Centennial Park, Waunakee 901 S. Holiday Dr. , Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597

Dave Kallaway Photography
Boogie and the Yo-Yoz on stage.
Boogie and the Yo-Yoz
Did you miss the 4th of July festivities because you could not manage to drag yourself out of your bed/dwelling? You have another chance, if you wauna go for it. WaunaFest has much cheer: a carnival midway and softball tournament (daily); fun run, cornhole tournament and arts and crafts fair (Saturday); and parade (11 a.m. Sunday). Bands are The RetroSpecz (7 p.m.) and Boogie & the Yo-Yoz (9 p.m., both Friday night); Best Practice (7 p.m.) and Road Trip (9 p.m., both Saturday night); and the Dave Austin Band (1 p.m. Sunday). And there’s not one but two beer tents…if that’s where you waunabe. Find the full schedule at waunafest.org.
7/25-28, Centennial Park, Waunakee, with music, sports tournaments, carnival, kids' activities.