Wednesday Nite at the Lab
media release: WN@TL goes hybrid both with Zoom and with in-person (Room 1111) presentations. The zoom registration link is still You can also watch a live web stream at on YouTube.
On November 15, and in the run-up to Thanksgiving, Fernando de la Torre of the Department of Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences (formed by the merger of the departments of Agronomy & Horticulture) will speak on his research to develop hybrids between cranberry and blueberry.
Description: This talk will cover the topic of hybridization within the Vaccinium genus, and the history of blueberry and cranberry improvement cycles, as well as what can be expected from ‘blueberry by cranberry’ hybrids by analyzing hybrid fruits and their characteristics. The presentation will feature audience participation, through tasting and describing blueberry and cranberry fruit. Lastly, a few of members of the audience will be asked to try a special Vaccinium hybrid fruit and share their experience with the audience.
Bio: Fernando is currently pursuing his projects on Vaccinium hybridization at the USDA Cranberry Genetics and Genomics Laboratory in Madison, WI under the advisement of Dr. Juan Zalapa. He is a native of San Diego, CA and received his bachelor's degree from UCLA in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. His research training includes being a Genetics Scholar through the Stanford University Summer Research Program, as well as a post-bacc fellowship with the US Forest Service in Davis, CA. He is currently a dissertator in the Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PhD program at UW-Madison, studying Vaccinium hybrid populations generated by USDA scientists in Wisconsin and New Jersey.
Explore More: https://cggl.
A message from Tom Zinnen: I am happy to share that I will retire as of the end of the Q&A session following Scott Coyle’s talk on November 1 at Wednesday Nite @ The Lab. The WN@TL series will continue for two additional weeks beyond that. However, the Division of Extension has decided to pull back the 0.75 FTE that has authorized & funded ¾ of my appointment at the Biotech Center since I started on June 1, 1991. This means that the Biotech Center will not be able to replace my position, and therefore WN@TL will go into indefinite hiatus following the November 15 talk.