Winter Salt Week
media release: After Road Salt Melts Snow, It Pollutes Freshwater
Salt prematurely ages roads and bridges and degrades freshwater lakes, streams, and drinking water. Just a teaspoon of salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water.
Wisconsin Salt Wise is partnering with organizations across the country to elevate the conversations around winter salt pollution and reduction solutions.
Monday, January 27th to Friday, January 31st
Daily livestreams 12:30pm CT
Winter Salt Week will feature daily live streams from ecologists, public works staff, and policymakers from across the United States. Everyone can learn more about the environmental toll of de-icers, private industry successes, actions that states are taking, and how individuals can get involved!
Speakers include Abby Hileman (Izaak Walton League of America), Jess Hua (UW-Madison), Cara Hardesty (Ohio EPA), Ted Diers (New Hampshire Department of Environmental Protection), Bryan Gruidl (City of Bloomington, Minnesota), and Public Works staff from across the country. To tune in starting Monday, January 27th at 1:30 ET/12:30 CT/11:30 MT, register at
“Salt pollution is threatening the health of our lakes, streams, and drinking water in Wisconsin. We are poisoning our water. 39% of Wisconsin public drinking water wells have tested above EPA sodium level recommendations for people on a low sodium diet. It’s not the fast death of a car crash; it’s a slow death, but equally fatal.” Allison Madison, WI Salt Wise Program Manager
“The good news is that dozens of municipal agencies across Wisconsin are improving their operations and dropping salt use by 30-50%.”