RSVP for Wisconsin Conference on Latinx Art and Culture

Bravebird co-founder Alex Miranda Cruz.
Latinos Organizing for Understanding & Development (LOUD) presents this seminar spotlighting Badger State creators, either from here or who have significant Wisconsin connections. TED Talks-style presentations and Q&A sessions include topics such as Dane Arts Mural Arts (by Veronica Figueroa Vélez), poetry in the Midwest (Angela Trudell Vásquez), filmmaking for social change (Alex Miranda Cruz), and much more. The virtual conference is free, but sign up by 5 p.m. on Oct. 13 at
media release: Free ticket with suggested donation. Oct 15, 8:15 AM – 1:00 PM CDT, online at
LOUD (Latinos Organizing for Understanding & Development) is proud to invite you to participate in this first Wisconsin Conference on Latinx Art & Culture, highlighting artists who have lived in or had significant experience in Wisconsin. All of the speakers are working artists who have maintained their connection and commitment to the community.
The virtual conference has an opening keynote followed by 5 time slots with two different presentations each (see below). The format is TEDtalk” style: short and engaging. You are welcome to attend one, some, or as many of the presentations as you wish; your virtual ticket will give you access to all presentations. The day closes with another keynote, followed by open discussion and networking.
Learn about the speakers and what they are talking about below! Every presentation is interactive and has live Q&A. Bring your questions! All times listed are Central Time.
8:15 - 8:30 AM WELCOME ADDRESS: Welcome from Oscar Mireles, Conference Director, poet, educator, and founder of LOUD.
8:30 - 9:00 AM KEYNOTE SPEAKER ZARCO GUERRERO: Zarco Guerrero is engaging and creative; a performer and artist; a community activist and internationally known creator in the service of social change. Zarco’s art helps to create positive social change. Zarco is internationally known for his music, poetry and theater. Come to this keynote to learn about his experience, mission, and advice for community leaders.
9:00 - 9:30 AM SESSION 1A - DANE ARTS MURAL ARTS BY VERONICA FIGUEROA VÉLEZ: This presentation is lead by designer and public figure Veronica Figueroa Vélez. Veronica will talk about how artistic expression helps open our eyes to injustice and conveys powerful new visions, possibilities, and our how originality helps us survive and thrive. She will tell her story and talk about her experience working with individuals and on large scale projects with the city of Madison and the state of Wisconsin.
9:00 - 9:30 AM SESSION 1B - GRAPHIC DESIGN BY JERRY CHAPA: During this presentation Gerardo “Jerry” Chapa from Art & Sons will talk his story as a successful, independent Latinx graphic designer. Jerry has received numerous awards and worked with world-renowned organizations. If you are considering becoming a graphic designer or are curious to learn more attend this presentation.
9:30 - 10:00 AM SESSION 2A - MUSIC BY DINORAH MÁRQUEZ: Dinorah Márquez will lead this presentation about performing arts and bringing musical traditions to the people in support of their dance traditions in México and Milwaukee. Recognized by President Obama for her contributions, Dinorah has performed with orchestras worldwide, won numerous awards, and has a successful program of putting stringed instruments into the hands of youth to support their community and cultural expression. Come learn about how you can participate in these programs and share this incredible music.
9:30 - 10:00 AM SESSION 2B - LATINO WISCONSIN: DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON SOCIAL AND CULTURE CHANGE BY ARMANDO IBARRA: Armando Ibarra’s work is at the juncture of cultural production, public health, issues of working people, and demographics. He will talk about his use of available tools in expanding the conversation about art. Joins us in this presentation about public health and the lessons that we can learn by looking at demographic data.
10:00 - 10:30 AM SESSION 3A - BECOMING: A POET IN THE MIDWEST SPEAKS BY ANGELA TRUDELL VÁSQUEZ: Madison Poet Laureate Angie Trudell Vásquez began writing at the age of seven. Today she has her own small press, has edited more than a few publications, and her fourth collection of poetry will be published in 2022. Angie will talk about what worked for her and what did not, where she found support, how she became a literary citizen wherever she happened to live, and more importantly what keeps her going back to the page.
10:00 - 10:30 AM SESSION 3B - PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION | FILMMAKING AS A CATALYST FOR CHANGE BY ALEX MIRANDA CRUZ: From his childhood struggles dealing with dyslexia to leaving a promising career in Hollywood to focus on authentic storytelling, Alejandro will share his journey in finding his voice. Alejandro will also share behind the scenes content for his directorial debut feature film, Trace the Line, and examples of how film can be a catalyst for engaging the most pressing topics facing us today.
10:30 - 11:00 AM SESSION 4A - LATINO POETRY IN CHICAGO: STAYING CONNECTED TO THE HOMELAND OF PUERTO RICO BY JOHANNY VÁZQUEZ PAZ: Johanny Vázquez Paz, winner of the 2018 Paz Prize for Poetry, author of multiple books, and well-known poet will explore how family stories and traditions, memories of the homeland, and growing living in El Barrio Chicago are present in her poetry. and in the work of other Puerto Rican poets in Chicago.
10:30 - 11:00 AM SESSION 4B - MURALS BY REYNALDO HERNÁNDEZ: Renowned community muralist Reynaldo Hernández will tell his fascinating life story and teach us about creating art with various communities. Reynaldo has added color, richness, and social change to Wisconsin's streetscape over a long career.
11 - 11:30 AM LUNCH INTERLUDE & NETWORKING: Take a lunch break while you hear performances by local and regional artists, starting with Angela Puerta. Originally from Colombia and now living in Madison, Angela’s work drawn from multiple traditions has created a devoted public. If you'd like, you can connect with other members of the event in virtual lunch rooms.
11:30 - 12:00 PM SESSION 5A - TEATRO Ñ (TALLER EN ESPAÑOL/IN SPANISH) CON MONICA CLIFF: When Monica Cliff arrived in Madison, she missed the profound impact of community based theatre in Spanish. So, she did something about it, engaging people of all ages in a performer-centric experience. Her organization is called Inventia Works, and is dedicated to keeping alive both language and cultural traditions. During this session Monica Cliff from Teatro ñ will talk about theatre projects in Spanish and about how her organization Inventia Works helps preserve our language and cultural traditions. Attend this presentation if you are a interested in learning more about theatre, taking theatre classes, or are a Spanish language lover interested in multiculturalism. Cuando Mónica Cliff llegó a Madison, extrañaba el profundo impacto del teatro comunitario en español. Así que decidió hacer algo al respecto e involucró a gente de todas las edades en una experiencia centrada en la actuación. Su organización es Inventia Works y se dedica a mantener vivas las tradiciones tanto de la cultura como de la lengua.
11:30 - 12:00 PM SESSION 5B - MUSIC IN CONTEXT BY TONY BAEZ: Dr. Luis Antonio Báez (Tony) has been working with Wisconsin communities for several decades, with a storied academic career and continued involvement in transformative politics – from his days with a Puerto Rican independence party and subsequent work with the Young Lords to elected office and community activism for bilingual education equity. As a performer, Tony shares music from the diaspora of latinoamerica, sharing the context and social impact of the songs. In this presentation he will share his experience successfully getting more engagement in the arts and share insights about what that means for the future.
12:00 - 12:30 PM CLOSING KEYNOTE SPEAKER CARMEN DE NOVAIS-GUERRERO: Our closing keynote speaker will Carmen De Novais-Guerrero. She learned her traditional beadwork from her indigenous grandmother in Brasil, and is an artist, educator, performer, and community organizer of regional observances such as Día de los Muertos in Arizona. She will tell us about her experiences in various artistic mediums. Her background as an educator and community activist gives her a unique perspective on what we can all do to celebrate latinx art and culture.
12:30 - 1:00 PM WRAP-UP FROM LOUD. MEET & GREET AFTERWARDS: A wrap up from the host organization Latinos Organizing for Understanding and Development (LOUD) on the organization, Oscar’s experiences bringing artists together across multiple communities and media, and ways to get involved in upcoming events. Afterwards stay and mingle with presenters and other attendees. We will keep the space open until 2 PM.