Wisconsin Historic Lanscape Project
Between 1832 and 1866 the US Government Land Office surveyed the land area that would become Wisconsin. Surveyors divided the landscape into the now familiar grid of townships and sections while documenting information about vegetation, soils, and wetlands.
In the 1990s the UW-Madison Forest Landscape Ecology Lab entered the historical survey data into a Wisconsin Historic Landscape database. The database is linked to the public land survey system, making possible to derive a variety of different maps from local to statewide.
In the summer and fall of 2015 we are holding a series of Community Forums in to gather information on ideas for web-based features, functionality, and products that users need to take greater advantage of this unique database.
Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the user community and identify users’ needs and goals, so that we can make the database more accessible and useful to interested citizens, community organizations, individual landowners, government agencies, land information professionals.
2015 Community Forum - Madison
September 23, 2015, 9 am to 11:30 am
Lake Mendota Room, Dejope Hall
640 Elm Drive