Wisconsin Innovation Network
press release: Nearly 900 people in Wisconsin died from opioid overdoses in 2017 – more fatalities that year than were claimed by highway accidents. How can technology help to fight this societal scourge?
Learn more from a panel of experts at the Tuesday, Nov. 27 Tech Council Innovation Network luncheon meeting in Madison.
The luncheon will be held at the Sheraton Hotel on Madison’s John Nolen Drive. Registration and networking begin at 11:30 a.m., lunch at noon and the presentation at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for students and returning veterans, $25 for individual members, $35 for non-members and included for Tech Council corporate members.
Panelists include Dr. Tim Bartholow, vice president and chief medical officer of WEA Trust; Dr. Aleksandra Zgierska, assistant professor of UW-Madison’s Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; Dave Grandin, president and chief executive officer of Kiio, a company that cut filled opioid prescriptions by 78 percent in a clinical trial; and Katie Keating of IBM, which uses artificial intelligence to try and combat the opioid addiction crisis.
“Intentional and unintentional overdoses of opioids are a source of heartache for young people, seniors, families, medical providers and many more,” said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council. “We’ll have an opportunity to learn about technology, trends and techniques that are producing results.”
The Wisconsin Technology Council is the independent, non-profit science and technology adviser to the governor and Legislature, with events, publications and outreach that contribute to Wisconsin’s tech-based economy. To join, go to www.