ONLINE: Wednesday Nite at the Lab
Free UW Alumni Association lecture series, with talk on solar technology by Bruce Johnson, via Zoom. RSVP for link.
press release: The registration link will be the same through the end of May 2021. Presentations and Q&A will be posted later on the WN@TL YouTube site.
October 7, Bruce Johnson will continue our pre-season of WN@TL prototypes by Zoom.
“Solar Farming & Electric Cars” with Bruce Johnson, Solar Farmer
Bruce will share the latest in his experiences as a Solar Farmer and electric-car owner charged with electricity gathered from his roof. By the way, Bruce also does live webinars for a living, so he’ll be able to provide us an extra layer of technical insights.
Speaker Bio: Bruce A. Johnson has spent over 35 years as a television production professional, first in the commercial and public TV sectors and now with a non-profit. He is also a fierce advocate for alternative energy, having installed his first set of solar panels 12 years ago, and having owned three electric cars in the last seven years. Johnson lives on the far east side of Madison with his wife and two college-age daughters. This will be his sixth appearance on Wednesday Nite @ The Lab.