60 recipes from 40 supper clubs!
Sunday, Dec. 6, 1-3 pm, Saturday, Dec. 19, 11 am-2 pm
Madison food and travel writer Mary Bergin has published her fifth book, the Wisconsin Supper Club Cookbook: Iconic Fare and Nostalgia from Landmark Eateries. Two book signings are coming up, on Dec. 6, at Orange Tree Imports; and on Dec. 19, at Barnes & Noble-West Towne.
The Art of the Italian Salumi & Formaggi Board
Saturday, Dec. 5, 2-3:30 pm
Chef Michael Pruett of Cento, 122 W. Mifflin St., will present a seasonal cheese and salumi tasting with beverage pairings. Pruett and mixologist Jordan Bright will provide aperitifs, cheese and salumi, while discussing how to put together a great antipasti platter paired with complementary beverages. Tickets ($40) through eventbrite.com.
Lard life
Thursday, Dec. 10, 6 pm
Opinions differ about the best shortening for pie crusts, but a vocal segment of pastry fans insist on lard. Worried about store-bought lard? Learn to render your own, and how to make bone broth as well, with instructor Max Wilke at “Rendering Lard & Bone Broth” at Willy Street Co-op-East ($20/owners, $30/non-owners); pre-register at the store or call 608-251-6776.