WORT-FM Chiliocracy fundraiser
Sun., Jan. 31
This chili cookoff features the goods from Baldwin Street Grill, Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry, Echo Tap, Harmony Bar, Mermaid Cafe, Next Door Brewing, That BBQ Joint, Tip Top Tavern, True Coffee, Weary Traveler and the Willy Street Pub and Grill. The amount you donate ($10-$20) determines how many tastings and how many votes you get. All proceeds benefit WORT. It’s at the Harmony, 2201 Atwood Ave., 1-5 pm.
Food deserts
Wed., Feb. 3
The monthly meeting of CHEW (Culinary History Enthusiasts of Wisconsin) will feature the work of UW-Madison professor Jane Collins. “Food Deserts: Concept, Controversy, and Clarification” will center on the concept of food deserts, how the term has become controversial and what alternative concepts might better represent food scarcity. It’s at 7:30 pm at the Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St.
Classic cookbooks
Sat., Feb. 6; register by Mon., Feb. 1
A discussion of Olbrich’s new volunteer cookbook and classic Madison cookbooks by Karen Dunn, Marge Snyder, Barbara Park and Marty Petillo. It’s at Olbrich, 1 pm. Register ($15/$12) at olbrich.org or call 608-246-4550.