UP: Motorcycle Performance. Dane County Judge Michael Nowakowski this week grants a temporary injunction barring Degen & Associates from narrowing the driveway used by this University Avenue motorcycle shop (see "Sticking It to the Neighbors," 5/29/08). Motorcycle Performance owner Bill Whisenant, who initiated the action, calls it "only a step towards the hoped-for goal of preserving a 30-year-old business." The ruling does not prevent Thomas Degen from erecting a fence that blocks access for another neighbor, Spring Harbor Animal Hospital.
DOWN: Robert Morlino. A lawsuit alleges that Madison's authoritarian bishop demanded the names of priests who criticized him during what was supposed to be a confidential fund-raising survey. The Phoenix Fundraising Company says it refused this request, whereupon the diocese failed to pay $350,000 for services rendered. The survey was part of a $70 million capital campaign to build a new cathedral downtown.