UP: Tammy Baldwin. Madison's Democratic congresswoman is named to the influential House Judiciary Committee, which oversees law enforcement, civil liberties and immigration. The committee is also looking into the firing of U.S. attorneys who purportedly weren't partisan enough for the Bush administration. In an unusual coup, Baldwin also retains her seat on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.
DOWN: Madison Water Utility. For the third time in a year, the beleaguered utility's chlorine equipment malfunctioned. This time, not enough chlorine was added to drinking water being pumped from Well No. 16 on Mineral Point Road. In March, too much chlorine was added to water from Well No. 8 near Olbrich Park. And last summer, untreated water was pumped from Well No. 29 on the far east side for weeks. The city says no one has gotten sick as a result. Maybe that's because, by now, we're all drinking bottled water.