Thursday, Oct. 16
Dane County Circuit Judge John Albert announces he will retire next April, after 15 years on the bench.
Robert Carder Jr., 53, allegedly fires a rifle at police from his home on Madison's southwest side. Police say a controversial armored vehicle, obtained earlier this year from military surplus, allowed them to apprehend Carder without deadly force.
Friday, Oct. 17
The U.S. Department of Justice files a civil rights lawsuit against the Twin Oaks trailer park in Whitewater for barring children from certain parts of the park. Apparently yelling is no longer sufficient to chase those goddamn kids off of the lawn.
Saturday, Oct. 18
The Wisconsin State Journal reports that during a visit with the paper's editorial board, Gov. Scott Walker revealed that his bald spot is the result of an old home-repair injury, when he banged his head on a cabinet. You know, Governor, a hunting or basketball injury would have sounded sexier.
Monday, Oct. 20
Early voting begins for the Nov. 4 election.
Tuesday, Oct. 21
The Milwaukee County executive's office releases 16,000 emails it had seized from county computers during the first John Doe investigation into alleged illegal campaign activity. Walker calls the release a campaign stunt.
Madison Common Council president Chris Schmidt announces that he is seeking to increase the position's pay to $65,000 and add benefits. "It does turn into a full-time job," he tells the State Journal.
Wednesday, Oct. 22
The State Journal reports that the Madison Water Utility wants to increase rates 30% next year.