Mark Green is rapidly closing the funding gap between himself and Gov. Jim Doyle. As of Aug. 28, the challenger had $3.8 million in the bank, compared to Doyle's $4 million; he's raised nearly three times as much, $1.38 million to $494,000, since that last filing, through June 30. As of that date, Green had raised $1.6 million from political action committees, mostly from business groups, with another $220,294 from so-called ideological and single-issue groups.
Green's top non-business contributor was the Freedom Project ($35,000), a PAC headed by current House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio). According to the Center for Responsive Politics, other sources include:
The National Rifle Association, which has given Green $23,000 since 1998.
The Conservative Victory Fund, which has given $965.50. The group's Web site boasts, "We only provide financial assistance to incumbents who are conservative and can be shown to be so by their votes in Congress."
The PAC for Thrivent Financial, a retirement fund group for members of the conservative Wisconsin Lutheran Synod, which has given Green's campaign treasury $19,400, among his top PAC contributions.
Rely on Your Beliefs, a PAC chaired by beleaguered House Majority Whip Ray Blunt (R-Missouri), which gave Green $3,000. Blunt's group was forced into a court settlement after it was found illegally giving money to Republican candidates in the state of Missouri. Blunt was considered on the Hill to be the indicted Majority Leader Tom DeLay's handpicked successor just before DeLay himself went down in flames.
Restoring the American Dream, whose leaders include former national GOP chair and current Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, infamous Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, Domino's Pizza founder and backer of right-wing causes Thomas Monaghan, and former football player and GOP Congressman Steve Largent. It sent $5,000 Green's way.
Green's campaign has also received money from Freedom Works, the PAC of former House Majority Leader Dick Armey; and the Wal-Mart Stores PAC for Responsible Government. Wal-Mart family members are strong supporters of private voucher education programs.- D.H.