I read with dismay your mostly negative review about a mostly positive place with outstanding food - the new Naples 15 restaurant on Butler Street ("Pizza Preference," 8/31/2012). I was hesitant to go there after your review and planned to take your reviewer's advice and avoid pasta dishes in favor of pizza. I am glad I did differently and had pasta. It was outstandingly authentic and delicious.
Margo Redmond
We can agree
Your cover article "Will We Ever Agree on Anything Again?" (9/14/2012) struck deep regarding an escalating issue that threatens to rip our people and planet apart. Yet I see and experience enough win-win ways to resolve conflicts to give me hope that we can agree, if we reach and risk radically new ways of living, loving and laughing. And I believe Madison has many unique attributes on which to catalyze such ways.
Carl Landsness