Thank you, MadiSun
Thank you for the cover story about our city embracing solar energy (Let the Sun Shine In, 4/20/2012). Having joined the fall MadiSUN residential group purchase to put solar panels on my house, I agree that this movement is another wonderful reminder about the little things our city does to make Madison livable and sustainable. Not only will this city-led initiative help produce countless kWh of energy, but it is also noteworthy that the city did valuable legwork to make it really easy for us nontechnical residents to go solar by identifying and connecting us to an exceptional installer - in my case Midwest Solar. They took care of every detail: helping me select the optimal equipment, getting us permits, setting up online data access, and even reviewing the first Madison Gas and Electric bills.
Nick Glass
Breakfast of champions!
There are few people I can think of who would/could make a Friday morning breakfast at Sunroom overlooking State Street more enjoyable than Andy Moore. I was already eager to read about Garbage and their new recording ("Garbage Is Ready to Rock Again," 4/27/2012). I really enjoy reading Andy's work: His love for music as well as his humor and craft of language really come through on the page.
Ben Doran
The truth is out there
In Dave Cieslewicz's article "Choosing Walker's Opponent" (2/3/2012), he talks about his hopes for a completely open Democratic primary: "I do not want a handful of movers and shakers to pick Walker's challenger behind closed doors." Many of us in the recall effort shared his hopes.
Sadly, it's back to politics as usual. Candidates with the most money (Barrett's from the national Democratic Party and Falk's from the unions) get the most airtime, making it difficult for lesser-known but perhaps more qualified and electable candidates to get their voices heard.
If we're serious about getting money out of politics, not just putting an extremist governor out of office, voters need to have complete information on all candidates. Start with the statewide forum on Wisconsin Public Radio and Wisconsin Public Television at 7 p.m. Friday, May 4. We need to be a democracy, not just look like one.
Judy Pincus, Barneveld