Dear Tell All: I’m a Republican student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and most of the time that’s not much fun. The student body is made up mostly of liberal idiots. They’ve drunk the Kool-Aid about micro aggressions, cultural appropriation, safe zones and other trendy nonsense that suppresses free speech. If you question this orthodoxy — even in the mildest terms — the ayatollahs come gunning for you.
That’s why I find Donald Trump refreshing in many ways. He’s not afraid to call out political correctness for what it is. He drives students crazy by daring to say what many people believe but, until recently, have been too cowed to admit.
And by “many people” I’m not referring to racists and xenophobes. I’m referring to mainstream conservatives who are concerned about immigration, abortion, Second Amendment rights, and other issues where certain reasonable points of view are considered off limits by the UW’s liberal elite.
I don’t endorse everything Trump represents, and his deficiencies are obvious. But I don’t mind walking around campus in my “Make America Great Again” T-shirt, because who could argue with that sentiment? Amazingly, liberals do, and I find it entertaining to see how people react. Most of them just give me drop-dead stares. Even people I’ve been friendly with from class or sports pretend they don’t know me.
What amuses me is their cowardice. How about engaging me in a debate rather than just writing me off for having a different political stance?
Dear Patriot: Did it ever occur to you that people might be avoiding you not because you’re a conservative, but because you’re a jerk? It sounds like you’re less interested in talking to people than in baiting them.
The words you use to describe liberals — “nonsense,” “idiots,” “elite,” “cowardice,” “ayatollahs” — aren’t great conversation-starters. Neither are the words Donald Trump uses about women (“fat pigs”), Mexicans (“rapists”), journalists (“scum”), fellow Republicans (“losers”), Elizabeth Warren (“Pocahontas”), President Obama (“born in Kenya”), female Fox News staffers who allege sexual harassment (“complaining”), Hillary Clinton (“started the birther controversy”), the United States (“a divided crime scene”), etc.
Rather than demanding a debate with fellow students, perhaps you could simply start by explaining yourself. How will such language “make America great again”?
Do you have a question about life or love in Madison?
Write Tell All, 100 State St., Madison, WI 53703. Or email