I can understand the negative views of the Miss America pageant expressed by "Stupefied" ("The Shame of Miss America," 1/27/2012), but if there is one pageant that should not be lumped in with the rest, Miss America might be that one. The women who compete practice very diligently for the talent. They must be well informed on any current global topics and be in good shape. Most contestants are educated women looking for scholarships to continue their education and an opportunity to be an advocate for their platform.
Why is it that women are not allowed to express all facets of being female without being criticized? Examples: if they only focus on academics (nerdy, boring); if they are a career-driven, hard-edged businessperson (bitch who neglects her family); if they are a stay-at-home mom (setting women back 50 years); and if a woman incorporates her physical self (bimbo who can't possibly have any self-respect, brains or dignity).
ENOUGH! Why are women always criticizing other women's personal choices? I believe that if one is truly a feminist, then one should advocate the right of any woman to choose whatever life she dreams of leading without judgment. Women should be treated equally, fairly and without bias in whatever arena they have chosen to participate, and women have the right to do or not do anything they want.
And besides, one could argue that throwing a ball and knocking men down is ridiculous - a barbaric display of latent testosterone that does not better humanity in any way. I think that if one made a snarky statement like Stupefied's to sum up football, it would be considered disrespectful and uninformed, completely dismissing the accomplishment of all the athletes, coaches and trainers.
Wow, I just meant to send a line or two, but I guess I had more to say because I'm proud of all my female attributes - traditional and modern. And no, I never competed in the Miss America pageant system.
For All Types of Women