Iron Man had a lot of potential. The main cast members from the movie do voiceovers in cinematic cut scenes. Iron Man fires missiles, he flies and he scorches bad soldiers to death with flames that shoot out of his arms. Theoretically, this sounds like a pleasant afternoon of death.
But other than the cool weaponry and nicely designed battleground sets, everything about Iron Man fails. Robert Downey Jr. and Terrence Howard sound like robots, as if they were sight-reading the script. Zillions of bad guys fire at you relentlessly, to the point where all you do is run, hover and fly in your big iron suit, and get blasted a lot while you try to slay idiots who stand there waiting to perish.
Why is it that many videogames, like Grand Theft Auto IV and Call of Duty 4, can be more engaging than most movies, yet games based on movie are generally less appealing than Donald Duck outings from a decade ago?