In late February, Madison-based travel writer Kevin Revolinski embarked upon a 47-day trip around the world that would take him to Japan, Thailand and Turkey before returning to south-central Wisconsin. In some ways, though, this globe-spanning journey was a mere excursion compared to an epic series of roadtrips he took from April through July of last year.
Starting from his home base in Madison, Revolinski visited scores of breweries and brewpubs around the state, all with an eye towards writing a guidebook about beer in Wisconsin. Starting with the plethora of options in Milwaukee and Madison, the travel writer eventually traversed the entire state over the course of his tour, from Nicolet Brewing in the northeast corner to Lake Louie in the southwest, from the state's largest microbrewery in New Glarus to its smallest at UW-Plattevile. "I called it the ultimate pils-grimage, a sacred journey to meet the brewmasters and sample the suds at the state's 70-plus breweries and brewpubs," he wrote in an article for the Chicago Tribune.
Revolinski collected his experiences and observations over the course of these journeys, distilling them into The Wisconsin Beer Guide: A Travel Companion. In addition to the book, he has started to release short online videos about his travels, including one about his quest to find travel spot follows below.
Revolinski has also created a video introduction to the guidebook. He also publishes appearing at the Capital Brewery Bier Garten to talk about and sign copies of the guidebook, and perhaps raise a glass or two.
If you have a video about Madison or by Madisonians, please consider adding it to the Isthmus YouTube group or send a message.