Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society
First Unitarian Society 900 University Bay Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53705
media release: Imagine a candle-lit concert on a wintry night, bringing light to the darkest time of the year. Yes, you'll need to pop outside in the cold to get to the Unitarian Society, but just for a moment! Luminosity, our second annual winter concert presented by the Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society, promises to fill your evening with warmth. Jeffrey Sykes and Stephanie Jutt will be joined by oboist Lindsay Flowers for this one-hour performance, without intermission. We’ll all meet post-concert for a delightful reception, held in the beauty of the Frank Lloyd Wright Unitarian Society’s iconic original sanctuary. Music will be Mozart, Turina, Telemann, Poulenc, Dring, and Damase. An experience you won’t want to miss, and you won't have to wait until next June to hear our special brand of chamber music! Saturday, January 11, 2025, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, reception follows. $48/ticket. Email to reserve your seat and you will be directed to "how to buy tickets" fee-free.
We’ve been thinking a lot about inspiration as we plan for Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society’s concerts next June. What is inspiration? Where does the creative spark come from? What forms can it take? So, in the spirit of BDDS’s flaming cello logo, we’re calling our thirty-fourth season FIRE FROM HEAVEN, and it will showcase some of the greatest musical inspirations of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.
We humbly ask you to support our festival with a gift. The heart of the festival is the extraordinary group of musicians who make our concerts so memorable and have become a part of our community. These artists are in high demand at summer festivals around the country, and your gift helps ensure that BDDS is a priority for them.
In music, con fuoco is the Italian expression directing the performer to play “with fire.” You, our audience, inspire BDDS to perform with passion and creativity. Thank you for helping to keep Madison’s musical fires burning!