Friends of the Yahara River Parkway
Yes, Madison has a real-life hobo jungle.
The homeless/vagrancy issue has another dimension.
Add to the single mothers fleeing an abusive situation, add to the chronically mentally ill just trying to survive another day, add to the footloose predators in the Bassett Street area yet another subset: Hobos. Tramps.
Yes, Madison has a real-life hobo jungle. It is located in the woods east of the Yahara River between East Johnson Street and East Washington Avenue, hard by the railroad tracks.
I tramped (if you'll pardon the expression) the area last week and saw evidence of human habitation, including the folding chair pictured. I also saw some rolled-up sleeping bags, evidence of a camp fire, and lots of litter. Someone is getting home delivery of the State Journal there and not recycling.
How close do you want to get?
An organization called the MacArthur Park, Madison
An interview with Lt. Joe Balles