Ladies and gentlemen, it's official: TODAY IS THE SCONZ'S FIRST BIRTHDAY. Read the first post ever. Coincidentally, The Sconz's birthday is one day before Jack Craver's birthday. Please make sure to send congratulations and flowers for both. The latter might celebrate with a little trip to Door County. The former will make do with some gross concoction from Lee's Garden.
First item on the docket: Congrats to Chris Liebenthal for breaking the story that Terrence Wall IS DROPPING OUT.
Dave Obey is seeking over $20 billion to avert teacher layoffs. "Teachers need a bailout," is how Ed Schultz put I was forced to listen to him when I play pool at Memorial Union.
News flash of the millennium: "Good schools in Milwaukee are scarce."
Overture Center: Off the hook?
Two legislators won't seek re-election. At first glance neither of them suggest potential pickups for either party. A Democrat will easily replace Pedro Colon in Milwaukee, and Scott Newcomer's Waukesha seat looks pretty solidly Republican.
What campaign will be talking about this: State estimate shows health care reform will save Wisconsin over $700 million.
Wisconsin dairy farms increasingly staffed by immigrants. Everybody knows the language doesn't matter as long as you say nice things to make the cows happy, they produce good milk.
This oil leak is too depressing to read about. But I guess that's what it takes to sign a sensible environmental measure: Obama puts in place 6 month ban on deep-sea drilling.
I was wondering what the Ash Borer is and why it's a problem. The enthusiasm gap, which is meant to doom the Dems this election, seems to be working the other way.
Unemployment wins tax battle with town.
Why is the Wisconsin Lottery buying TV ads? An audit wonders.
Paul Snyder