Gee Willikers! The Public Drunkards sketch comedy group just completed and released their latest creation, an animated cartoon titled "Awesome Car Funmaker Mystery Team." Starring the dance-rock band of the same name, the Hanna Barbera-styled animation is a direct homage to Scooby Doo. The Drunkards ask, "When the King Club is haunted, can they solve the mystery of the Ancient Indian Burial Crypt?"
Find out in the seven-minute short video that follows below.
In fact, the King Club does have a mythically large basement, one seemingly oversized for the narrow club squeezed into its King Street storefront.
This video was originally screened at an Oct. 28 Halloween party at the King Club featuring Awesome Car Funmaker, their Chicago-based compatriots Cealed Kasket, and the Public Drunkards. Six people make up the troupe: Alan Talaga, Casey Brown, Jon Lyons Josh Reiter, Julia Hamburg, and Mallory Saurer. The cartoon was written by Talaga, Brown and Lyons, with the art and animation also created by Lyons. More information about the Public Drunkards is available in a previously-featured video sketch, and in the group's MySpace page.
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