What can you find in this week's Isthmus? Highlights from the latest issue follow.
- Erin Hanusa profiles Shinji Muramoto, the chef behind Madison three-restaurant fusion mini-empire.
- Madison.gov: Guy has trouble getting room at neighborhood center.
- Brian McCombie reports on the Wisconsin's Nature Conservancy as it turns 50.
- Bill Lueders wonders why state Dems haven't upper the minimum wage.
- Emily Mills has the lowdown on Segredo, the biggest story in Madison bowling since day-glo balls.
- Jay Rath reports on Fresco Opera Theatre, the plucky new company that takes a novel approach to the genre.
- Rich Albertoni looks at Madison Song Showdown, the newly revived songwriting event that pits tunesmith against tunesmith.
- Jessica Steinhoff previews the solo performance by Gene Ween, half of the snarky duo Ween.
- Mike Wilmington says From Paris With Love is more City of Carnage than City of Love, and Kimberley Jones yawns at Dear John.
- Dean Robbins is horrified by the hair in Shear Genius on Bravo.
- Kids & Parents: Madison parents band together to figure out creative ways to] improve school lunches.
- Linda Falkenstein finds Las Cazuelas makes the most of the wood-fired oven left behind by Cafe Porta Alba.
- Linda Falkenstein reports that State Street gets a Red Mango natural yogurt shop, while Fromagination goes all chocolate and cheese for Valentine's Day.