The public address announcer for the old Madison Muskies would announce a visiting player this way: "Batting third, the third baseman, Number 3, David Blaska." The crowd, inspired by Leon Varjian, would ask: "Who?" before the P.A. announcer had time to repeat the last name - "Blaska." The crowd then responded with a knowledgeable "O-ohhh."
I had that same response with the GOP presidential running mate.
Now batting second, Sarah Palin.
Palin, 44, governor of Alaska.
Who knew that Alaska even had a governor? Or that said governor was of the female persuasion? Personally, I was hoping for Condi Rice. Besides being able to check off two boxes, one can imagine her picking up Harry Reid by his ears. No, I guess that was LBJ. Maybe Condi would feed into the Dems' four more years of the same old same old, although her tenure has been unimpeachable.
The Dems are all over this one. Here is Sen. Chuck Schumer: "While Palin is a fine person, her lack of experience makes the thought of her assuming the presidency troubling."
Do they really want to go there? Sarah Palin has as almost as much experience as governor of a state as Barack Obama has as a U.S. Senator. Uniquely on either ticket, Palin has executive experience. The buck stops here thing.
Sarah Palin may have to learn on the job - but she will be learning from President John McCain. Barack The Unready will have to learn on the job - and he will be learning from Joe Biden, who voted against the first Gulf War - the one the libs cite as a properly contained war with oodles of buy-in from our allies - and in favor of the second.
Besides, if Obama wants to bring change to Washington, how is Joe Biden that change?
Sarah Palin is photogenic, flies an airplane, shoots a gun (lifetime NRA member), played basketball, has 5 kids, plays the flute. She's pro-life and knows where the oil is buried. Is anyplace more outside the Beltway than Alaska? Said to be something of a reformer. (In Alaska, it's enough not to be a indicted.) No baggage. Ed Rollins says she's a good debater. Works for me.
Going for Barack
Barack Obama cannot give a bad speech any more than Amy Winehouse can pass up happy hour. "Barack Smith's" acceptance speech Thursday night at Invesco Field (Mile High Stadium) was Grade A. Credit where it is due.
I actually found some encouragement there, should I awake on November 5 to find the change that I had not been waiting for.
Obama's best lines:
"Democrats, Democrats, [Blaska - translation: listen up!] we must also admit that fulfilling America's promise will require more than just money. [Heresy!] .... We must also admit that programs alone can't replace parents, that government can't turn off the television and make a child do her homework, that fathers must take more responsibility to provide love and guidance to their children.
"Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility, that's the essence of America's promise."
Amen. The Democrat(ic) nominee for president nukes the Cult of Victimology. How long before John Nichols, Ed Garvey, Brenda Konkel and their kind throw up a fur ball? Or is it just "a speech he gave in 2008," as Hillary might have put it.
"I argued for more resources and more troops to finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11, and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights."
Is Obama saying to the "War is not the Answer" crowd, "depends on the question"? What, no trial at the Hague? Not even incarceration at Gitmo? No ACLU? Bullet to the cranium, send the bill to the family? Works for me.
"I will... invest in clean coal technology, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power."
On the nuclear power angle, look no further. Safety has already been found. It's just waiting for someone to step forward with the claim check. Unfortunately, he followed with; "drilling is a stop-gap measure, not a long-term solution."
Yeah, yeah. But why waste the oil? Because we might spill some? Wisconsin farmers occasionally spill manure into streams. Let's ban dairy farming!
Gun ownership:
"Don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."
Umm, Barry, existing law prohibits gun ownership to criminals and, until the Supreme Court ruling this summer, from law-abiding citizens in our nation's capital, as well - not to mention from concealed carry in Wisconsin.
"You know, passions may fly on immigration, but I don't know anyone who benefits when a mother is separated from her infant child or an employer undercuts American wages by hiring illegal workers."
What the hell does that mean?
Big government:
"If you commit to serving your community or our country, we will make sure you can afford a college education."
Huh? You mean, the graduate in agronomy who works to develop a more productive strain of seed corn is not serving his country? That the MBA who takes a start-up company into the Fortune 500 by providing a needed product or service is not serving her country?
"In an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class."
And you think McCain will? I'm going to use that line against the Madison School spending referendum. Early, and often.
Foreign relations:
"You don't protect Israel and deter Iran just by talking tough in Washington."
Agreed, but who is Mr. "Gave a good speech in 2002" (pace Hillary; she meant 2004) and willing to negotiate with all comers, secure in the knowledge that Putin, Ahmadinejad, and Kim Jong-il will sup from his proffered hand? Isn't it abundantly clear that George W. Bush has done more than "talk tough?" He did shock and awe and put boots on the ground.
Odd quotes:
"We are the party of Kennedy."
The "Bear any burden, pay any price in the defense of liberty?" party?
"Now, many of these plans will cost money..."
Thanks for the warning.
"I know there are those who dismiss such beliefs as happy talk."
Did you notice?
The Obama coronation at Invesco ended with country western music. That used to be the property of the GOP.
Say this for Joe Biden, he's got a mega-wattage smile, the pearliest whites on the campaign trail.
Pure class. John McCain purchased TV advertising on the night Obama accepted the Democrat(ic) Party's nomination to congratulate his opponent! I believe there is no precedent for that. McCain says, "Sen. Obama, this is truly a good day for America. … Congratulations. How perfect your nomination would come on this historic day." That historic day refers to the day, 45 years ago, that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech.
"Tomorrow, we'll be back at it but for tonight Senator, job well done." [The video]