Karen Darcy
Three Snowy Swans
Today's image is titled Three Snowy Swans and was taken by Karen Darcy.
While Lake Monona finally froze over officially last Thursday, small patches of open water remain on its isthmus shore, thanks to city effluence. The open water provides a liquid home for waterfowl remaining in the region, including ducks, geese and swans. This photo depicts three swans surrounded by ducks near B.B. Clarke Beach. A photo taken by Laura Miller shows a similar avian gathering, with Monona Terrace looming in the background.
There is a larger version of the photo in the gallery at right.
This is the latest entry of Madison Snaps: photos of Madison-area events and locations. The Isthmus group photo pool is the primary source for Madison Snaps, which are published here with the permission of individual contributors. If you are interested in having your photo eligible for Madison Snaps, please respond to the posting on the Flickr group page, or send a message. There is no compensation for Madison Snaps photos, which are © to the respective photographers.