Housing Costs and the Transportation-Land Use Connection
media release: Join us for our next lunch-and-learn webinar hosted by the Greater Madison MPO on Thursday, November 16, to learn about the relationship between housing costs, transportation, and land use. Staff will discuss key connections between transportation and land use, and share best practices and helpful tips to assist local communities in addressing housing costs by coordinating land use and transportation planning and policies. The webinar will be kicked off with a brief introduction from Olivia Parry, Senior Planner with the Dane County Housing Initiative, and will be led by Ben Lyman, transportation planner with the Greater Madison MPO, who has over a decade of experience working on the transportation/ land use connection.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is open to the public. The primary audiences for this webinar are local and county transportation and planning staff, local officials, and affordable housing advocates.
What We’ll Do:
- Provide an overview of housing and transportation costs in Dane County and nationwide.
- Consider the role that travel time plays in people’s decisions about home and work locations.
- Look at how the built environment impacts transportation options and safety.
- Investigate the hidden and obvious costs and impacts of parking.
- Dive into demographic differences in travel options in Dane County.
- Provide action items that communities can pursue to improve housing and transportation affordability.
- Provide time for Q&A.
About Us
The Greater Madison MPO and Capital Area Regional Planning Commission are partner agencies working together to align transportation, land use, and natural resource planning in the Madison region. The MPO leads the collaborative planning and funding of a sustainable, equitable transportation system for the Greater Madison region.