When you advertise with Isthmus, you're supporting local, independent journalism. We appreciate you supporting our publication and keeping Madison's alt-weekly thriving. This holiday season, we want to pass along the love to local nonprofits who can always use extra awareness and you can help make that happen.
Let's work together to support Madison-area nonprofits. Now through Dec. 31, when you buy $1,000 in print ads we'll donate a quarter-page ad to the nonprofit of your choice. Buy $2,000 in print ads and we'll donate a half-page ad to the nonprofit of your choice (or two quarter-page ads to two nonprofits). It's as easy as that. Let's team up to shed some extra light to nonprofits who need it this holiday season.
Interested? Contact your Isthmus advertising rep or email our advertising manager, Chad, at hopper@isthmus.com.