Jennifer Esperanza
Jennifer Esperanza is a former anthropology professor at Beloit College. She tells this story about trying to pull one over on her immigrant mother at The Moth in Madison several years ago.
"It's 1982, I'm in third grade, and the next lesson for my parents is that every American little girl needs a dollhouse. And in my case, it has to be a Barbie town house," she says.
She also chats with Takeyla and Jen about getting the story in shape to tell in front of an audience with a time limit.
Isthmus Inside Stories: Jennifer Esperanza
Isthmus is partnering with Takeyla Benton and Jen Rubin to promote stories selected from three seasons of Inside Stories.They’re told by participants of The Moth StorySLAM, UW-Madison Odyssey Project, and the annual “Listen to Your Mother” performance.