Dear Tell All: I'm going to be without a date on Valentine's Day, but not for lack of trying.
There's an irresistible woman in my workplace - I'll call her "Luscious" - who is going down the line and dating every guy in the office. She seems to be attracted to conventionally handsome, talkative types. I'm neither conventionally handsome nor talkative, but I do think I'm kind, considerate, loving, funny and warm. In other words, a good catch, if you get to know me.
Luscious hasn't gotten to know me yet, but I had a plan to ask her out for Valentine's Day. She had broken up with yet another of my coworkers near the end of 2011, and I felt it was my big chance. I decided to wait until a month before the big day (any earlier than that would have seemed weird), but before I had a chance to make my move she hooked up with a guy who works in my department. I call him the Beast, if that gives you an idea of his personality.
Valentine's Day would have been the perfect hook for asking out Luscious. I had planned to put a heart-shaped note in her mailbox with a Hershey's Kiss attached. But the timing just didn't work out. Can you think of a good Plan B?
Dear Lovelorn: Your mistake was putting so much stock in Valentine's Day. Dude, it's really just another day, despite all the chocolates and hearts associated with it. Tying your grand plan to the supposedly significant Feb. 14 just slowed you down. As a result, you'll be alone on Tuesday.
But here's the good news: There's always Wednesday. I would begin laying the groundwork immediately for Luscious' inevitable breakup with the Beast. The way to do that - and I know you don't want to hear this - is simply to talk to her. Ask her how her weekend went. Tell her about a movie you just saw. In other words, establish a friendship - always a good foundation for romance.
And what better day to start than Feb. 15?