"Some people wonder how Peter and I can still play together when we're divorced and Peter is married again," Lou Berryman tells Listening In columnist George Vukelich. With four albums to their credit and two more in production, the Madison-based folk duo has been a fixture at the Club de Wash since 1977. "Well, what you see onstage when we're playing together is the result of a real long friendship. Peter and I have known each other most of our lives. We've been playing music together ever since we were 16 years old.... Some people...wonder when we're going to move on out of Madison and go national. Well, we have friends at the national level, and they have more unpleasantness than we have. No matter where you go, you still have to promote yourself and do posters and do gigs. There is no end of the rainbow where things are just going to be easy." The Berrymans are still playing: Their latest CD is The Universe: 14 Examples, and they are scheduled to perform at 8 p.m. this Friday, April 11, at the Wil-Mar Center.
Berrymans, BFF
From the Isthmus archives, April 15, 1988