Yes, the Divine Ms Sarah Palin, true friend of the taxpayer, is coming to Saturday's Tea Party at the State Capitol here in Madison. She will deliver the keynote address for the event, which starts at noon and runs to 2 p.m.
"It's been confirmed," Nancy Mistele told me. Nancy is founder of Founder's Compass and a true Wisconsin version of Sarah Palin.
The event will be emceed by talk show host James T. Harris and will feature John Fund columnist for The Wall Street Journal. Fund is an author, pundit and columnist who pens the weekly "On the Trail" column for More information can be found at TEA Party rally on April 16th on Facebook.
The level of civility from our progressive/liberal adversaries and their nihilistic hangers-on, all of whom are certain to respond, should be very interesting.
Our activist UW campus
Ever notice that almost everything coming out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison gives aid and comfort to the Left? Professor Bill Cronon is only the latest. You had Charles Franklin calling voters in the November 2 election "stupid" (before he retracted) and Jeremi Sumi comparing our duly elected governor to Tailgunner Joe McCarthy.
We can be certain, therefore, that the hunt is on for whomever slipped an article into The Capital Times online called "Why professors shouldn't be activists". The reference is to the Republican party's freedom of information request of Professor Cronon's e-mails, which has been roundly condemned as chilling free speech. (Although no one seemed to object when the Left did the same to Professor Ken Goldstein.) Cronon originally wrote an "expose" on the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, which shares good ideas from one state with other states. Its sin, Professor Cronon suggests, is that those ideas are conservative.
More likely, these emails will contain merely routine examples of political activism and partisanship. One needn't look at personal correspondence to find that, though. Cronon's March 21 New York Times article comparing Gov. Scott Walker to Joseph McCarthy made it plain.
It's becoming harder and harder to find professors devoted to teaching ... The academy has not become politicized because of a few radical professors. Rather, entire departments and university administrations see the goal of higher education as political.
... Since the late 19th century, American university faculty members have been considered society's experts ... writing "permanent body of experts in social administration" who would "promote individual and social welfare."
The piece, by Naomi Schaefer Riley, completely undermines the progressive viewpoint of government by experts. Which is how John Nichols can call an elected governor "unaccountable" yet plump for a secretary of natural resources appointed by appointees -- i.e., an "expert."
And you wondered how the Siege of the Capitol could be fueled by so many leftists? They've been rolling down State Street by the thousands since the 1960s. Read UW-Madison's Diversity Problem.
I've got to get the author's book. A former editor at the Wall Street Journal, she wrote the forthcoming "The Faculty Lounges ... and Other Reasons Why You Won't Get the College Education You Paid For."
Maybe Chancellor Biddie Martin can establish a Wisconsin rival to Stanford's Hoover Institution here in Madison. Call it the Tommy Thompson Institute.