I would have called it Without Further DeLay. Otherwise, The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress is an almost perfect example of the kind of political documentaries we're getting these days - agitprop tricked up with "Hard Copy" audiovisual aids. Don't expect me to defend DeLay. With his money-laundering trial still ahead of him, the former House majority leader, who redrew the map of Texas through very questionable means, is busy reaping what he himself hath sewn. But I wouldn't have minded a more balanced approach to DeLay's decline and fall, if only to hear him explain how he stole those elections fair and square.
Instead, we get up close and personal with Austin district attorney Ronnie Earle, who might as well be wearing a white hat and riding a white horse. Earle, a Democrat, claims not to have gone after DeLay personally, but once he sunk his teeth in, there was no letting go. To anyone this side of Karl Rove, The Big Buy should provide a fun-filled 70 minutes as the man once referred to as "The Hammer," for his ability to shove legislation through Congress, pounds the final nail in his own coffin.