We came, we saw, we played.
Isthmus has finished its 24-hour immersion in fun -- a massive citywide project we called "Madison at Play." Starting at 6 p.m. on March 28, our reporters and a few dozen UW journalism students fanned out north, south, east and west in search of Madisonians amusing themselves.
What did we find? Well, what didn't we find? Beer-drinking, belly-dancing, clubbing, poetry-reading, ice-fishing, egg-decorating, golfing, rock-climbing, knitting, dancing, brunching, theater-going, plane-flying, euchre-playing… and did we mention beer-drinking?
Readers pitched in on social media, using the hashtag #MadPlay. We captured the whole thing on the fly -- from photos to tweets to video to vignettes -- at MadisonAtPlay.com.
So how did the city entertain itself on March 28 and 29, 2014? Check out the website and the April 3 edition of Isthmus. We hope reading about a glorious spring weekend in Madison is almost as fun as experiencing it live.