Guess who just got ripped off by a health insurance company yesterday? Yes, I now have the privilege of paying a faceless corporation the equivalent of several cases of beer a month. It's a real shame, but my only other option was forgoing the outdoors until the ice melts, for fear of breaking my collar bone. High of 2 degrees today. It can't get much worse.
Alison Bauter, who I had the pleasure of meeting last night, summarizes the mayors debate.
Members of Congress are quietly discussing giving states the option of declaring bankruptcy. This sounds terrible.
Walker gets his first two legislative victories.
Walker's small business tax deduction plan also advances. The amounts are so trivial it's hard to understand why it's even being reported on.
These dollar figures, which have nothing to do with state government, are not trivial, however.
Sheboygan Press thinks Walker is overreaching on state administrative rules.
Wisconsin lost private sector jobs in December.
Walker to attend dinner with Chinese president.
Meanwhile, UW students are celebrating and protesting Hu Jintao's visit to Chicago.
Trouble brewing between State Supreme Court justices on how the court spends its money.
Just how epic will Sunday's game be? Not quite as epic as the photo that accompanies the WSJ article. Check out those hairdos.