Lemuel Fillyaw/courtesy Brat Fest
Fireworks at a past World's Largest Brat Fest.
Fireworks at a past World's Largest Brat Fest.
Losing out on our festivals during the sad summer of 2020 made us realize what a treasure these events are. From small town parades to large scale music festivals to the traditional county fairs, summer isn’t summer without a beer and a brat, some bands, some funnel cake — and maybe throw in a tractor pull or a craft fair for good measure.
Our annual roundup of summer fun covers festivals in Madison, around Dane County, and those farther afield. More detailed schedules can be found as they are announced in the calendar listings and in our music, theater and dance roundup. As always, it's advisable to check event websites and social media for schedule changes. Updates to these lists will continue all summer as more information is announced; changes and new events can be emailed to calendar@isthmus.com.
Dane County
Jam for Jam: Music/camping festival, May 16-19, Barrel Inn, Deansville. jamforjam.org.
MHAAA Spring Art Tour: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., May 17-19, from Arena and Ashton in the north to New Glarus in the south. Maps: mhaaa.org/spring-art-tour.
Syttende Mai: Annual Norwegian heritage festival, May 17-19, Stoughton, with entertainment, arts & crafts exhibits and demos, kids' activities. stoughtonfestivals.com.
WORTstock: 11 a.m.-7 p.m., May 19, Warner Park, with music, vendors. wortfm.org.
World's Largest Brat Fest: Annual fundraiser for local charities, May 24-26, Alliant Center-Willow Island, with entertainment stages, kids' activities. bratfest.com.
LunART Festival: Celebrating women in the arts, May 29-June 2, Arts + Literature Laboratory and Hamel Music Center, Madison, with music, talks. lunartfestival.org.
Verona Hometown Days: May 31-June 2, Hometown Festival Park, Verona. Carnival, entertainment, fireworks 9:30 p.m. Friday. veronahometowndays.com. 608-845-5777.

A visitor at the 2023 Cows on the Concourse.
A visitor at the 2023 Cows on the Concourse.
Festa Italia: June 1-2, McKee Farms Park, Fitchburg, with entertainment, Italian food & cultural displays, games and more. iwcmadison.com. 608-258-1880.
Cows on the Concourse: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., June 1, Capitol Square (at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard), Madison, with dairy-themed activities for kids. danecountydairy.com. 608-250-4257.
Dragon Art Fair: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 1, Fireman’s Park, DeForest, with 100-plus artists, music, kids’ activities. dragonartsgroup.org.
Cars on State: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., June 1, State Street, Madison. carsonstate.com.
Free Outdoor Fun Weekend: June 1-2, statewide. Free fishing in all state lakes and streams; special activities at many locations; state park admission and trail fees waived. dnr.wisconsin.gov. 888-936-7463.
Summer Frolic: June 6-9, Grundahl Park, Mount Horeb, with carnival, beer tent, music, games, fireworks 9:45 pm Sat., parade noon Sun. mthorebsummerfrolic.com.
Madison Jazz Festival: Concerts, classes, jams & more, June 7-16, at various venues, Madison. madisonjazzfestivalwi.org.
Midwest Fire Fest: June 8-9, Westside Park, Cambridge, with art and music. midwestfirefest.com.
Oregon Art Fair: Juried artist, kids' activities, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 8, Waterman Park, Oregon. oregonwiartwalk.com.
SummerPalooza: Outdoor performances and activities, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 8, Madison Children's Museum, Madison, plus free museum admission. madisonchildrensmuseum.org.
Marquette Waterfront Festival: Marquette Neighborhood Association music fest, June 8-9, Yahara Place Park, Madison. marquette-neighborhood.org.
Cottage Grove Firemen’s Festival: Annual fundraiser, June 13-16, Fireman’s Park, Cottage Grove. Sports, carnival, entertainment, parade 11:30 a.m. Sat. cottagegrovefire.org.
The Pursuit of Happiness: Benefit for local nonprofits, June 14-16, McPike Park, Madison. Headliners: Friday: Chuck Prophet & Mission Express; Saturday: Ameri'kana All-Stars; Sunday: Stooges Brass Band. sessionsatmcpike.org.
Juneteenth: Celebrating African American heritage and emancipation: parade staging 10 a.m., June 15, Fountain of Life, Madison, and celebration noon-6 p.m. at Penn Park. kujichaguliamcsd.org.
Dirt Camp: Music/visual art/camping festival, 2 p.m., June 15, The Vines, Sauk City, hosted by Free Dirt. instagram.com/dirtcampfest.
National Women’s Music Festival: June 20-23, Marriott-West, Middleton. nwmf.info. 317-395-3809.
Oregon SummerFest: June 21-23, Kiser Fireman’s Park, Oregon. oregonwisummerfest.com. 608-835-3697.
Sun Prairie Pride Fest: Noon-4 p.m., June 22, Wetmore Park, Sun Prairie, with music, drag queen story hour, kids' activities, bike parade, resource fair. sunprairiepridefest.com.
Dane Firefighters Festival: June 28-30, Bert Deans Park, Dane, with softball tournament. Saturday: The Dirty Birds 8 pm. Sunday: Parade noon, chicken BBQ & kids' activities follow. danefire.com.
International Festival: Annual free arts celebration, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on June 29 and 1-4 p.m., June 30, Overture Center, with music & dance performances, international market, food. overture.org.
Festival Foods Lights the Isthmus: 6 p.m., June 29, Breese Stevens Field, Madison, with music, fireworks. breesestevensfield.com.

Lavender Lotus Photography
A fireworks display during a past Festival Foods Lights the Isthmus event.
A fireworks display during a past Festival Foods Lights the Isthmus event.
Monona Community Festival: July 3-4, Winnequah Park, Monona, with music, carnival, art fair, food, fireworks at dusk, July 4. mononafestival.com.
DeForest Fourth of July: July 3-4, Fireman’s Park, DeForest, with music, kids’ activities, beer tent, fireworks at dusk, July 3. deforestarea.com. 608-846-2922.
July Third Celebration: 4-10:30 p.m., July 3, Norsk Golf Club, Mount Horeb, with kids' activities, music, fireworks at dusk. norskgolfclub.com.
Stoughton Fair: July 3-7, Mandt Park, Stoughton, with carnival, exhibits. stoughtonfair.com. 608-873-4653.
Fourth Fest: 2-9 p.m., July 4, Edgewater Hotel plaza, Madison, with People Brothers Band 2 & 4 p.m., Mad-City Ski Team 3:30 & 5 p.m., Natty Nation 5:30 p.m., kids' activities 2:30-5:30 p.m. theedgewater.com.
Catfish River Music Festival: Stoughton Opera House event, July 4-6, Rotary Park, Stoughton. catfishrivermusicfest.com.
WaunaBoom: 2-10:30 p.m., July 4, Ripp Park, Waunakee, with music by The Breakfast Club 2 p.m., Boogie & the Yo-Yoz 6:30 p.m., kids’ activities, fireworks 9:45 p.m. Rain date: July 5. waunaboom.com.
Token Creek Fourth of July Celebration: 11 a.m.-3 p.m., July 4, Portage Road in Token Creek, with parade, food tents. tokencreekparade.com.
Mazomanie Fourth of July Celebration: July 4, Lions Park, Mazomanie, with baseball, Iron Horse Cornet Band 7 pm, fireworks dusk. facebook.com/mazomaniechamber.
La Fête de Marquette: Bastille Day celebration, July 11-14, McPike Park, Madison. wil-mar.org. 608-257-4576.

Maurice Thaler
Art Fair on the Square from the air.
Art Fair on the Square from the air.
Art Fair on the Square: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on July 13 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m., July 14, Capitol Square, Madison. mmoca.org. 608-257-0158.
Art Fair off the Square: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on July 13 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m., July 14, MLK Blvd./Monona Terrace, Madison. artcraftwis.org. 608-204-9129.
Maxwell Street Days: Sidewalk sales and events, July 18-21, State Street, Madison. visitdowntownmadison.com.
Dane County Fair: July 18-21, Alliant Energy Center, Madison. danecountyfair.com. 608-291-2900.
Tobacco Heritage Days: July 19-21, Racetrack Park and downtown Edgerton, with sports tournaments, music, parade 11:30 a.m. Sunday. edgertontobaccodays.com.
Summer Sizzle Kick-Back: Urban Triage celebration, 2-7 p.m., July 20, Penn Park, with kids' activities, DJ battle, raffle, food, vendor fair & resource booths. Free. facebook.com/urbantriage.
Waunafest: July 25-28, Centennial Park, Waunakee. Music, sports, carnival, kids’ activities. waunafest.org.
Mount Horeb Art Fair: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on July 27 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m., July 28, Second Street and Front Street, Mount Horeb. mounthorebchamber.com. 608-437-5914.
AtwoodFest: July 27-28, Atwood Avenue, Madison. atwoodfest.com.
St. Dennis Parish Festival: Annual fundraiser, July 27-28, 413 Dempsey Road, Madison, with kids' activities, bingo, 5K (8:30 a.m. Sat.), music, bake sale. stdennisparish.org.
Disability Pride Festival: Noon-5 p.m., July 27, Warner Park, Madison. disabilitypridemadison.org.

Kent Sweitzer Photography
A kids' parade at a past Sugar Maple Music Fest.
A kids' parade at a past Sugar Maple Music Fest.
Sugar Maple Traditional Music Festival: Aug. 2-3, Lake Farm County Park, Madison. sugarmaplefest.org.
Mad With Power Fest: Metal and video game blowout hosted by Lords of the Trident, 4 p.m., Aug. 2-3, The Sylvee, Madison. madwithpowerfest.com.
North Star Fest: North Star Neighborhood Assn. event, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Aug. 3, Pocket Park, Madison, with kids' activities, food carts, music. facebook.com/northstarfest.
Belleville Music Festival: 1-10 p.m., Aug. 3, Community Park, Belleville, plus craft fair, food/beer vendors. bellevillemusicfestival.com.
National Mustard Day: Aug. 3, National Mustard Museum, Middleton. mustardmuseum.com.
Madison Comedy Week: Aug. 4-11, various venues, Madison. madisoncomedyweek.net.
Sessions at McPike: Aug. 8-11, McPike Park, Madison. Headliners: Thursday: Mookomba; Friday: Great Lake Swimmers; Saturday: Bernard Allison; Sunday: Sidi Wacho. sessionsatmcpike.org.
Black Earth Field Days: Aug. 9-10, Community Park, Black Earth, with parade noon Sat. facebook.com/BEventsBEWI.
WestFest: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Aug. 10, Elver Park, Madison. instagram.com/cityofmadisonwi.
Ride the Drive: Car-free streets for riding, walking, skating, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Aug. 11, Madison; activities at Brittingham, Edward Kleif, Law, McPike, Olin, R. Richard Wagner parks. ridethedrive.com. 608-266-4711.
Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival: Aug. 14-18, Angell Park, Sun Prairie. Sweet corn sold Saturday and Sunday. sunprairiecornfest.com. 608-837-4547.
Schenk's Corners Block Party: Aug. 16-17, outside Alchemy Cafe. facebook.com/schenksblockparty.
Stoughton Chamber Music Festival: Aug. 16-17, Grand Inspired and TBA; Aug. 23-24, Stoughton Opera House; Aug. 31-Sept. 1, Chorus Public House, all in Stoughton. stoughtonchambermusicfestival.com.
Agora Art Fair: 100+ artists, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Aug. 17, 5500 E. Cheryl Pkwy., Fitchburg, with music, kids’ art yard, food, beer. agoraartfair.com. 608-277-2606.
Eken Park Festival: 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Aug. 17, Eken Park, Madison, with music, kids’ activities. facebook.com/ekenparkfest.

The scene at a past Africa Fest.
The scene at a past Africa Fest.
Africa Fest: 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Aug. 17, McPike Park, Madison. Entertainment, vendors, food. africanassociationofmadison.org. 608-258-0261.
Stoughton Coffee Break Festival: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Aug. 17, Racetrack Park, Stoughton. stoughtonwi.com. 608-873-7912.
Gandy Dancer Festival: 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Aug. 17, Westland Promenade, Mazomanie, with bluegrass music, kids' entertainment & activities, demonstrations, exhibits, food. gandydancerfestival.org.
Magic Pride Festival: OutReach LGBTQ celebration, 1-6 p.m., Aug. 18, Warner Park, Madison. outreachmagicfestival.org.
Orton Park Festival: Marquette Neighborhood Association fundraiser, Aug. 23-25, Orton Park, Madison. marquette-neighborhood.org.
Middleton Good Neighbor Festival: Aug. 23- 25, Fireman’s Park, Middleton, with arts and crafts, carnival, music stages. goodneighborfestival.com. 800-688-5694.
Unity Picnic: Annual picnic, noon-5 p.m., Aug. 24, Urban League, Madison, with ribbon cutting for the Black Business Hub, music by Kinfolk, Yancyy and Leotha Stanley, and DJ M. White, kids’ activities, food. facebook.com/urbanleagueofgreatermadison. 608-729-1200.
Luna's Block Party: 1-9 p.m., Aug. 24, Luna's Groceries, Madison, with kids' activities, food, vendors and nonprofit booths, music by La Combi, Grupo Xplosion, DJs Fogon, Ree Maniac. facebook.com/lunasgroceries.
Wisconsin Pottery Association Show & Sale: Annual event, with 50-plus dealers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Aug. 24, Alliant Energy Center, Madison. wisconsinpottery.org.
GeekCraft Expo: Craft market featuring locally handmade geek goods, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Aug. 24 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Aug. 25, Masonic Center, Madison. geekcraftexpo.com.
Curd Fest: Fresh & fried creations, 3-6 p.m., Aug. 25, Breese Stevens Field, Madison, plus food carts, kids' activities, contests, demonstrations. Early entry at 2 p.m. available. breesestevensfield.com.
Rock River Thresheree: Aug. 30–Sept. 2, Thresherman’s Park, Edgerton. Demonstrations/displays, flea market, Parade of Power at 2 p.m. daily. thresheree.com. 920-723-1555.
Paoli Art in the Park: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Aug. 31-Sept. 1, Paoli Park, Paoli. paoliartinthepark.org.
Taste of Madison: 2-8:30 p.m. on Aug. 31 and 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Sept. 1, Capitol Square, Madison. tasteofmadison.com. 608-276-9797.

courtesy PBS Wisconsin
A child learns about quilts.
Attendees at a past Great Wisconsin Quilt Show.
Great Wisconsin Quilt Show: Annual Wisconsin Public Television event, Sept. 5-7, Alliant Energy Center, Madison, with vendor mall, workshops, speakers and more. quiltshow.com. 866-297-6545.
Midwest Gypsy Swing Festival: Sept. 6-7, Art in the Barn, Fitchburg. midwestgypsyswingfest.com.
Wild West Days: Sept. 6-8, Lions Park, Mazomanie. mazowildwestdays.com.
Heritage Fest: Annual event, noon-5 p.m., Sept. 7, Schumacher Farm Park, Waunakee, with hands-on farm activities for all ages, games, cooking and craft demos, food. schumacherfarmpark.org.
Greek Fest Plus: Annual church picnic, Sept. 7-8, Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, Madison, with food, traditional music, church tours, kids' activities, market. madison-greekfest.org. 608-244-1001.
Urban Triage Harvest Festival: 3-8 p.m., Sept. 7, Farley Center, Verona, with kids' activities, circus artists, music by Cigarette Break, DJs, food & drinks. urbantriage.org.
Madison Good Neighbor Gathering: Noon-4 p.m., Sept. 8, Brittingham Park, Madison, with all-ages activities, music. facebook.com/Madison-Good-Neighbor-Gathering-115221233182211.
Wauktoberfest: Sept. 12-15, Endres Manufacturing, Waunakee, with wine and beer tastings, music, food eating contests. wauktoberfest.com.
Madison Comic & Pop Culture Expo: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sept. 14 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sept. 15, Alliant Energy Center, Madison. madisoncomicexpo.com.
Viva Mexico Festival: Sept. 15, Breese Stevens Field, Madison, with entertainment, contests, food, exhibits & more. lamovidaradio.com. 608-441-3768.
Willy Street Fair: Sept. 21-22, Williamson Street, Madison. facebook.com/willystreetfair. 608-257-4576.
Fall Fest: All-ages activities, 4-9 p.m., Sept 27, Hometown USA Festival Park, Verona, with music, movie, kids' activities, bonfire, vendors, food carts & more. veronawi.com.
Burning Troll: Music/camping festival hosted by Brix Cider, 12:30-11:30 p.m., Sept. 28, Donald Farm, Mount Horeb, with "burning of the troll" at 9:15 p.m. burning-troll.com.
Madison Vegan Fest: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sept. 28, Lunney Lake Farm Park, Madison. madisonveganfest.org.
Art Walk Stoughton: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sept. 28, downtown Stoughton, with works by regional artists, demonstrations, music, kids' activities. artwalkstoughton.com.

A stilt walker at the 2023 Morel Mushroom Festival in Muscoda.
A stilt walker at the 2023 Morel Mushroom Festival in Muscoda.
Road trips
Milwaukee Metal Fest: May 16-19, The Rave, Milwaukee, with headliners Blind Guardian, Mr. Bungle, Slaughter to Prevail. milwaukeemetalfestival.com.
Wisconsin Cheese Fest: Cheese, beer and spirit vendors, demonstrations, music, May 17-19, Lake Geneva House of Music. cheesefestwi.com.
Morel Mushroom Festival: May 17-19, in Muscoda, with sports tournaments, arts & crafts (Saturday 9 am-5 pm), mushroom sales. facebook.com/MuscodaMorelMushroomFestival.
Wisconsin State Polka Festival: Wisconsin Polka Boosters annual event, May 17-19, Sterling Chalet, Richfield, with music, dance lessons & more. wisconsinpolkaboosters.com.
Automotion: Annual auto show 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on May 18 and 7 a.m.-3 p.m., May 19, Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park, Wisconsin Dells, with kids' activities; "Hollywood at Elm Street Plaza," 2-9 p.m., May 18, downtown. wisdells.com.
Montfort VFW Big Days: May 31-June 2, VFW Post 9298, Montfort, with beer tent, music, sports. facebook.com/VFWPost9298.
Festa Italiana: May 31-June 2, Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. iccmilwaukee.com.
Bacon Fest: Food & drink vendors, music, May 31-June 2, Flat Iron Park, Lake Geneva. baconfestwi.com.
Dairyfest: May 31-June 1, downtown Marshfield. Friday: Dairy breakfast 5:30-8:30 a.m.; Saturday: parade 11 a.m. visitmarshfield.com.

courtesy Discover Wauwatosa
A past Art 64 event.
A past Art 64 event.
Wisconsin Beer Lovers Festival: 50-plus statewide brewers, 1-5 p.m., June 1, Bayshore Town Center, Glendale, with music by Wire & Nail noon, The Hungry Williams 2:45 p.m.. VIP entry noon. wibrewersguild.com/wiblf.
Milwaukee Highland Games: Scottish festival, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., June 1, Croatian Park, Franklin. milwaukeehighlandgames.org.
PrideFest: June 6-8, Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. pridefest.com. 414-272-3378.
Sparta Butterfest: Entertainment, arts, crafts & flea market, carnival, sports tournaments and more, June 6-9, corner of Montgomery and Rusk streets, Sparta. spartabutterfest.com.
Bonfire Music and Arts Festival: June 6-8, Driftless Music Gardens, Yuba. driftlessmusicgardens.com.
Special Olympics Wisconsin Summer Games: June 6-8, UW Whitewater Campus. specialolympicswisconsin.org.
Bluegrass at the Lake: June 6-8, South Wood County Park, Wisconsin Rapids. bluegrassatthelake.com.
Art 64: Bracketed live painting tournament, 5-8 p.m. on June 7 and 10 a.m.-8 p.m., June 8, throughout Wauwatosa, with public voting. art64tosa.com.
Darlington Canoe Festival: June 7-9, throughout Darlington, with entertainment, carnival, Beowulf Motorcycle Club summer party (2 p.m. Sat., Lafayette Co. Fairgrounds), fireworks (9:15 p.m. Sat., Riverside Park). darlingtoncanoefest.com.
Polkafest: June 7-8, downtown New Glarus; includes ticketed Beer, Bacon and Cheese Festival, 1-5 p.m. on June 8. swisstown.com. 608-527-2095.
Walleye Weekend: June 7-9, Lakeside Park, Fond du Lac. walleyeweekend.com. 920-923-6555.
Door County Lighthouse Festival: Annual tours by land, boat or air, June 7-9 and Oct. 4-6, Door County. dcmm.org.
Artspire: Juried visual art exhibit and sale, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., June 8, Riverside Park, LaCrosse, with entertainment stage. artspire.thepumphouse.org.
Big Top Parade: 11 a.m., June 8, downtown Baraboo; other events taking place during the weekend. bigtopparade.com.
Rio Artisan Fair: Rio Area Library Friends benefit, 9 a.m.-1 p.m,., Rio Community Library, Rio (if rain: Rio Elementary). facebook.com/RioAreaLibraryFriends.
Prairie Villa Rendezvous: June 13-16, St. Feriole Island, Prairie du Chien. Buckskinner and fur trade era themed encampment. prairierendezvous.com.
Polish Fest: June 14-16, Henry W. Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. polishfest.org.
Balloon & Blues Rally: June 14-15, Green County Fairgrounds, Monroe, with balloon flying, blues bands, car show, food. monroeballoonandblues.com.
Feed Your Head: Music/camping festival, June 14-15, Kettle Moraine Ranch, Eagle. facebook.com/thewisefarm.
Lakefront Festival of Art: June 14-16, lakeshore near Milwaukee Art Museum. mam.org. 414-224-3856.
Summer Soulstice: Music festival, noon-midnight, June 15, along East Kenilworth Place and Ivanhoe Place, Milwaukee. summersoulsticemke.com.
ArtJune: Annual juried show, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 15, Courthouse lawn, Baraboo, with music, kids' craft area, food. spiritlakearts.square.site.
Summerfest: Noon-midnight daily, June 20-22, June 27-29 and July 4-6, Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. summerfest.com.
Summer Solstice Shakedown: Music and camping fest hosted by Gin Mill Hollow, June 21-22, The Vines, Sauk City. qracktickets.com/gin-mill-hollow.
Cheese Curd Festival: 4-10 p.m. on June 21 and 10 a.m.-10 p.m., June 22, East End Park, Ellsworth, with arts/vendor market, tastings & eating contest, music, kids' activities. cheesecurdfestival.com.
Cedarburg Strawberry Festival: June 22-23, Cedarburg. cedarburgfestival.org. 888-894-4001.
Country Fest: June 26-29, 24447 County Highway S, Cadott. Headliners: Sawyer Brown, June 26; Jake Owen, June 27; Keith Urban, June 28; Eric Church, June 29. countryfest.com. 800-326-3378.
Blue Ox Music Festival: June 27-29, The Pines Music Park, Eau Claire, with host Pert Near Sandstone, others. blueoxmusicfestival.com.
Town & Country Days: June 27-30, throughout Lake Mills, with carnival, music, parade 10:30 am Sat. facebook.com/lakemillslegion.
Blues, Brews & Food Truck Festival: Noon-8 p.m., June 29, Village Park, New Glarus, with Madtown Mannish Boys, The Jimmys, Paul Filipowicz Band, Lil' Ed & the Blues Imperials. facebook.com/NGBBFTF.
Spring Green Arts and Crafts Fair: 200-plus artists, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on June 29 and 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 30, Jefferson St., Spring Green. springgreenartfair.com.

RJ & Linda Miller Photography
A vintage base-ball game at Old World Wisconsin.
A vintage base-ball game at Old World Wisconsin.
Columbus Fourth of July: July 2-7, Fireman's Park, Columbus, with carnival, entertainment, parade at noon and fireworks at dusk, July 4. columbuswi4th.com.
La Crosse Riverfest: July 3-6, Oktoberfest Grounds, La Crosse. Music, family activities. riverfestlacrosse.com. 608-782-6000.
Whitewater Fourth of July: July 3-6, 312 Whitewater St., Whitewater. Music, kids’ activities, beer tent, fireworks. whitewater4th.com.
Milton Fourth of July: July 3-6, Schilberg Park, Milton, with music, carnival, sports tournaments, fireworks on July 4. milton4thofjuly.com.
Marquette County Fair: July 3-7, Fairgrounds, Westfield. marquettecountyfairwi.org. 906-249-4111.
Light Up the Lake: Fourth of July celebration, 7 a.m.-10 p.m., July 4, Deacon Mills Park and downtown Green Lake; fireworks at dusk. visitgreenlake.com. 920-294-3231.
Evansville Fourth of July: July 4-6, Lake Leota Park, Evansville. Music, kids’ activities, beer tent, fireworks at dusk, July 4. facebook.com/ALakeLeota4th.
Fire on the River: Independence Day celebration, July 5-6, along the Riverway, Sauk City; fireworks dusk Saturday. fireontheriver.org.
Squirrelfest: Family fest, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., July 6, Winnebago Park, Tomah, with music, kids' activities, pontoon boat rides and more. tomahsquirrels.org.
Old World Fourth of July: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., July 6-7, Old World Wisconsin, Eagle. 19th- and 20th-century games, music. oldworldwisconsin.wisconsinhistory.org. 262-594-6300.
Sauk County Fair: July 8-14, Baraboo. saukcountyfair.com. 608-356-8707.
Jefferson County Fair: July 10-14, Jefferson. Grandstand: Wednesday: Badger State Tractor Pull; Thursday: Badger Truck Pull; Sunday: Demo Derby. jcfairpark.com. 920-674-7148.
Lafayette County Fair: July 10-14, Fairgrounds, Darlington. lafayettecountyfair.org. 608-642-3727.
Elkhorn Ribfest: Music & BBQ fest, July 10-14, Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn. wisconsinribfest.com.
The BoogieDown: Camping/music festival hosted by Armchair Boogie, July 11-13, Driftless Music Gardens, Yuba. driftlessmusicgardens.com.
Country Boom: July 11-13, W4142 County Highway B, West Salem. Headliners: Thursday: Nelly; Friday: Riley Green; Saturday: Chase Rice. countryboom.com.
Iola Old Car Show: Grounds open 7 a.m., July 11-13, Show Grounds, Iola; 2024 theme is muscle cars. iolaoldcarshow.com. 715-445-4000.
Hodag Country Festival: July 11-14, 4270 River Road, Rhinelander. Headliners: Thursday: Ashley McBryde; Friday: Bailey Zimmerman; Saturday: Chris Young; Sunday: Chris Janson. hodag.com.
Bastille Days: July 11-14, East Town/Cathedral Square Park, Milwaukee. easttown.com. 414-271-1416.
Strawberry Festival: 7 a.m.-3 p.m., July 13, Sun Valley Presbyterian Church, Beloit, with breakfast/lunch, arts & crafts fair (begins 9 am), raffle, entertainment. sunvalleystrawberryfest.org. 608-365-7547.
Driftless Music Festival: Noon-9 p.m., July 13, Eckhardt Park, Viroqua. Headliner: Davina & the Vagabonds. driftlessmusicfestival.com.
HomeGrown Music Festival: Noon-9 p.m., July 14, Regner Park, West Bend. hometown.foundation.
Fond du Lac County Fair: July 17-21, Fond du Lac Fairgrounds. Grandstand: Thursday: Vanilla Ice, Rob Base; Friday: Scotty McCreery; Saturday: Pop Evil, Fuel. fonddulaccountyfair.com. 920-929-3168.

courtesy Chippewa Valley Music Festivals
A crowd is partying.
A past Rock Fest.
Rock Fest: July 17-20, Rock Fest Grounds, Cadott. Headliners Wednesday (weekend pass holders only): Vince Neil; Thursday: Thirty Seconds to Mars; Friday: Shinedown; Saturday: Jelly Roll. rock-fest.com. 800-326-3378.
Waukesha County Fair: July 17-21, Waukesha Fairgrounds. Main stage: Thursday: Rodney Atkins; Friday: Daughtry; Saturday: Bret Michaels. waukeshacountyfair.com. 262-544-5922.
Green County Fair: July 17-21, Monroe. greencountyfair.net. 608-325-9159.
Port Fish Days: July 18-20, Port Washington. portfishdays.com. 800-719-4881
Country Thunder: Music/camping festival, July 18-21, Shadow Hill Ranch, Twin Lakes, with headliners Lainey Wilson, Eric Church, Nickelback, Koe Wetzel. countrythunder.com/wi. 866-388-0007.
Midsummer Bluegrass Festival: Music/camping festival, July 18-21, Cozy Cove Tavern, Manitowish Waters; headliners The Gibson Brothers. midsummerbluegrass.com.
Jefferson Fiesta Latina: Music and dance performances, kids' activities, food, 1-8 p.m., July 20, Rotary Waterfront Park, Jefferson. facebook.com/people/jefferson-fiesta-latina/61554337463716.
Brady Street Festival: 11 a.m.-midnight, July 20, Brady Street, Milwaukee. Artisan cheese, local foods, wines, five entertainment stages. bradystreet.org.
Milwaukee Armenian Fest: 11 a.m.-5 p.m., July 21, St. John the Baptist Armenian Orthodox Church, Greenfield. Food, music, cultural displays. armenianfest.com. 414-282-1670.
Columbia County Fair: July 24-28, Portage. columbiacountyfairwi.org. 608-697-1152.
Monroe County Fair: July 24-28, Fairgrounds, Tomah. Headliners: Saturday: Larry the Cable Guy. monroecountyfairwi.com.
EAA Airventure: July 22-28, Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh. Air shows, entertainment, displays. eaa.org/airventure.
Rock County 4-H Fair: July 23-28, Janesville. Grandstand: Wednesday: UW Marching Band, Cherry Pie; Thursday: LOCASH; Friday: Tyler Farr; Saturday: Chayce Beckham; Sunday: Rice Bull Riders. rockcounty4hfair.com. 608-755-1470.
Washington County Fair: July 23-28, West Bend. wcfairpark.com.
Cheech's Deecefest: Music festival, July 26-28, Bluebird Campground, LaCrosse, with Gregg Hall & the Wrecking Ball, Smokin' Bandits, People Brothers Band, many others. gregghallmusic.com.
Plain Fire & EMS Celebration: July 26-28 Community Park, Plain, with sports tournaments, kids' activities, music. facebook.com/plainfireems.
German Fest: July 26-28, Henry Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. germanfest.com. 414-464-9444.

courtesy Wisconsin State Fair
The WonderFair Wheel at the Wisconsin State Fair.
The WonderFair Wheel at the Wisconsin State Fair.
Green Lake County Fair: Aug. 1-4, Fairgrounds, Green Lake. greenlake.extension.wisc.edu/fair. 920-294-4032.
Wisconsin State Fair: Gates open 8 a.m., Aug. 1-11, State Fair Park, West Allis, with agricultural and commercial exhibits, carnival, entertainment and more. Headliners: Gabriel Iglesias, Aug. 1; TLC, Jordin Sparks, Aug. 2; Yung Gravy, Nicky Youre, Aug. 3; Brothers Osborne, Sara Evans, Aug. 4; Casting Crowns, Tauren Wells, Aug. 5; Kidz Bop, Aug. 6; Riley Green, Avery Anna, Aug. 7; Charlie Berens, Aug. 8; Lauren Daigle, Andrew Ripp, Aug. 9; Foreigner, Melissa Etheridge, Aug. 10; The Turtles, Jay & the Americans, The Association, Badfinger, The Vogues, The Cowsills, Aug. 11. wistatefair.com. 800-884-FAIR.
Mile of Music Festival: Aug. 1-4, throughout Appleton. mileofmusic.com.
Neon Nights: Country music festival, Aug. 2-3, Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn. walworthcountyfairgrounds.com.
Brat Days: Aug. 2-3, Kiwanis Park, Sheboygan. brat-days.com. 920-803-8980.
Merrimac Community Festival: 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Aug. 3, Memorial Park, Merrimac, with kids' activities, food, water shows, car show, music. facebook.com/themerrimacfestival.
Firefest: Kids' activities, food, noon-8 p.m., Aug. 3, New Glarus Fire Department. facebook.com/NewGlarusFire.
Black Arts Fest MKE: Celebrating African & African American culture, noon-10 p.m., Aug. 3, Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. blackartsfestmke.com.
Tallman Arts Festival: Aug. 3-4, Lincoln-Tallman House, Janesville. Artisans, food and entertainment. rchs.us. 608-756-4509.
Volksfest: Swiss Independence Day celebration, 1-3 p.m., Aug. 4, Wilhelm Tell Shooting Park, New Glarus. facebook.com/volkfestnewglarus.
Peninsula Music Festival: Symphony Sessions: Aug. 6-24, Door Community Auditorium, Fish Creek. musicfestival.com.
People Fest: Aug. 8-10, Driftless Music Gardens, Yuba, with People Brothers Band, many others. driftlessmusicgardens.com.
Watertown Riverfest: Aug. 8-11, Riverside Park, with music, craft show, carnival, food, sports, fireworks on Friday-Saturday. watertownriverfest.com.
Shawano Folk Festival: Aug. 9-11, Mielke Park, Shawano, with evening concerts 7 p.m. Fri.-Sat., daytime music and workshops starting 10 a.m. Sat.-Sun. shawanofestival.org.
Avrom Farm Party: Music, camping & food festival, Aug. 9-11, Avrom Farm, Ripon. avromfarmparty.com.

A runner crossing the covered bridge in Brodhead.
A runner crossing the covered bridge in Brodhead.
Covered Bridge Days: Aug. 9-11, throughout Brodhead, with music, sports tournaments, auto/tractor competitions & displays, food. Saturday: Wildflower Art Festival, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Veterans Park). brodheadchamber.org. 608-897-8411.
White Oak Folk Fest: Aug. 9-11, White Oak Savanna Events Farm, Dodgeville. Headliners: Friday: Sweet Sheiks; Saturday: Joybird. whiteoakfolkfest.com.
Waukesha BluesFest: Aug. 9-10, Naga-Waukee Park, Delafield. Headliners: Friday: Ally Venable; Saturday: GA-20. waukeshabluesfest.com. 800-366-1961.
Glass Arts Festival: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Aug. 10, Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, Neenah, with juried exhibition, music, kids' activities, glassblowing demos. bmmglass.com.
Juneau County Fair: Aug. 13-18, Mauston. juneaucountyfair.com. 608-547-2426.
Grant County Fair: Aug. 14-18, Lancaster. funonforty.co.grant.wi.gov. 608-723-2135.
Dodge County Fair: Aug. 14-18, Beaver Dam. Wednesday: Badger State Truck/Tractor Pull; Thursday: Tracy Byrd; Friday: Matt Stell; Saturday: TBA; Sunday: Truck Pull & Demo Derby. dodgecountyfairgrounds.com. 920-885-3586.
Milwaukee Irish Fest: Aug. 15-18, Henry Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. Irish festival with dance, music, food. irishfest.com. 414-476-3378.
Larryfest: Kickapoo Valley Music Association bluegrass music & camping festival, Aug. 15-17, S2096 24 Valley Road, La Farge. larryfest.org.
Badger Steam & Gas Engine Club Show: Aug. 16-18, show grounds north of Baraboo. Vintage equipment, big flea market. badgersteamandgas.com.
Mineral Point Blues & Roots Festival: Aug. 16-17, Orchard Lawn, Mineral Point. Headliners: Friday: Sheryl Youngblood; Saturday: Breezy Rodio Band. mineralpointbluesfest.org.
Music in the Mills: Lake Mills Rotary Club event, 9:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Aug. 17, Seljan Company, Lake Mills, with four bands, kids' activities (through noon), artists/vendors 10 a.m.-5 p.m. lakemillsrotaryclub.com.
Oconomowoc Festival of Arts: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Aug. 17-18, Fowler Park, Oconomowoc. Juried exhibition of works by 130 artists, on the lake, with three music stages, food. oconomowocarts.org.
Art & Chalk Fest: Juried arts/crafts festival, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Aug. 17 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Aug. 18, Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend, with music, kids' activities, food. Free admission. artchalkfest.com. 262-247-9638.
Central Wisconsin State Fair: Aug. 20-25, Fairgrounds Park, Marshfield. Grandstand: Wednesday: Dylan Scott; Thursday: Hairball; Friday: Daughtry; Saturday: Rice Rodeo Co.; Sunday: Demo derby. centralwisconsinstatefair.com.
Crawford County Fair: Aug. 22-25 Fairgrounds, Gays Mills. crawfordcountywisconsinfair.com.
Mexican Fiesta: Noon-midnight, Aug. 23-25, Maier Festival Park (Summerfest grounds), Milwaukee. $24/day ($8 ages 8 & under). mexicanfiesta.org. 414-383-7066.
Great River Folk Festival: Aug. 23-25, Riverside Park, LaCrosse. greatriverfolkfest.org.
Potosi Brewfest: 1-4:30 p.m., Aug. 24, Holiday Gardens Event Center, Potosi (VIP noon), with 60-plus vendors, music, games. potosibrewery.com.
Walworth County Fair: Aug. 28-Sept. 2, Elkhorn. walworthcountyfair.com. 262-723-3228.
Iowa County Fair: Aug. 29-Sept. 2, Fairgrounds, Mineral Point. iowacountyfair.com. 608-987-3490
Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw: Aug. 30-31, Marion Park, Prairie du Sac. Cow chip throw, art fair, music stages. wiscowchip.com. 608-643-4317.
Wilhelm Tell Festival: Aug. 30-Sept. 1, Wilhelm Tell Grounds and downtown New Glarus. wilhelmtellfestival.org. 608-527-2095.
Wisconsin Highland Games: Aug. 30-Sept. 1, Waukesha Expo Center, with sports, music, demonstrations, food. wisconsinscottish.org.

A Zeus float by Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park at a past Wo-Zha-Wa Festival.
A Zeus float by Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park at a past Wo-Zha-Wa Festival.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival: Gates at 7 a.m., Sept. 6-8, Jefferson County Fair Park, with sheep & fleece shows, vendors, kids' activities, workshops. wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. 608-743-9080.
New Glarus Family Fest: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Sept. 8, Village Park, New Glarus. newglarusfamilyfest.com.
Vernon County Fair: Sept. 11-15, Fairgrounds, Viroqua. vernoncountyfair.com. 608-637-3165.
Wo-Zha-Wa Fall Festival: Sept. 13-15, downtown Wisconsin Dells, with farmers' and flea markets, arts & crafts fair, music, parade 1:30 p.m. Sun. wozhawa.com.
Taco Fest: Sampling event, noon-3 p.m. or 5-8 p.m., Sept. 14, Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee. VIP entry at 11 a.m. or 4 p.m. milwaukeetacofest.com.
Maple Fall Fest: Sept. 14-15, Wildwood Park, Marshfield. visitmarshfield.com.
Project North: Music festival, Sept. 20-21, ArtStart, Rhinelander.projectnorth.org.
Green County Cheese Days: Sept. 20-22, Courthouse Square area, Monroe, with entertainment, food, parade, cheesemaking, arts & crafts fair, kids' activities, tours. cheesedays.com. 608-325-7771.
Fall Equinox Festival: Music and camping fest hosted by Gin Mill Hollow, Sept. 20-21, The Vines, Sauk City. qracktickets.com/gin-mill-hollow.
Welcome Fall: Equinox celebration, Sept. 21, Circle Sanctuary, Barneveld, with workshops, nature walks, kids' activities & more. circlesanctuary.org. 608-924-2216.
Viola Horse and Colt Show: Sept. 20-21, throughout Viola, with horse show, arts & crafts fair, music, truck & tractor pulls and more. wp.horseandcoltshow.com.
New Glarus Oktoberfest: Sept. 26-29, downtown New Glarus, with music, craft vendors, food, beer tent. swisstown.com.
Cornish Festival: Annual celebration of Cornish and Celtic heritage, Sept. 27-29, Mineral Point, with music, dance, crafts, food and more. Saturday: The Countrymen, 7 p.m., Opera House. cornishfest.org.
Gays Mills Apple Festival: Sept. 27-29, throughout Gays Mills, with flea market/arts and crafts vendors (fairgrounds), parade 1:30 p.m. Sunday. gaysmills.org.
Warrens Cranberry Festival: Marsh tours, arts & crafts fair, flea market, food & more, Sept. 27-29, Warrens. cranfest.com. 608-378-4200.
Golden Days Harvest Fest: Sept. 28-29, downtown Green Lake,with craft & rummage sales, music, parade, auto show. visitgreenlake.com. 920-294-3231.
Harvest Fair: Sept. 27-29, Wisconsin State Fair Park, West Allis, with entertainment stages, kids activities, food. wistatefair.com. 800-884-3247.
Editor's note: Most recent update was Sept. 4.