The "Director's Cut" of the music video for "Eating Machine" by The Coma Savants isn't exactly what one might expect. Rather than a longer, Rated-R version of the 2001 video directed by band member Jon Hain, it's a documentary created by Kristin Forde that looks at the story behind video. It does, however, feature Hain receiving a haircut, appropriately enough.
The seven-minute making-of documentary follows below.
In fact, the haircut setting for this "Director's Cut" look at the making of "Eating Machine" was actually a bit of serendipity, and not a pre-planned gimmick. Forde describes the background of the documentary:
I am a Madison resident and had been a fan of The Coma Savants ever since I returned to town. I've been working on this project for the past two or three years. It is the first video project I've ever worked on. Interestingly enough, I had originally intended it to be an audio documentary, but once I tracked Jon down, he was recording his haircut for a separate project. The questions I asked intended to point out what may seem obvious to some viewers, but is of such relevant subject matter, deserves extra attention.
Other contributors to the documentary included Kimmerlee Green (who cut Hain's hair) and Linda Kietzer behind the camera. The song "Eating Machine' was originally released on The Coma Savant's 2002 album Coma Savant.
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