Though there will be no ice boating on Lake Wingra for at least a little while, there remains the possibility of sailing on skates vicariously through online video. When the lake froze briefly after a late autumn cold snap, many local ice boaters took advantage of the conditions, with at least a few capturing the sail for posterity with photos and videos. In the latest, Greg Simon provides a first-person perspective in riding a Pewaukee-made Nite Ice Boat, sailing from the west end of the lake towards St. Mary's Hospital before looping around to return to Wingra Park.
The three-minute video clip follows below.
More information about the speedy sport is available from The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club, with a video montage of the iceboating on Dec. 9 available here. As for returning to the ice in the Madison area, the club is looking at Lake Kegonsa or Patrick Marsh, depending of course upon the ice thickness and the weather through the remainder of this week.
If you wish to let us know about more videos by, of, and about Madison and Madisonians, please consider adding them to the Isthmus YouTube group or send a message.