48 Hour Global Film Challenge
press release: We're celebrating 20 years of the 48 Hour Film Project with a special competition. The Global Film Challenge is open only to 48 Hour filmmakers who have submitted an on-time film in a past 48. The challenge? To create a short film from scratch the weekend of May 21 - 23, 2021 - and then battle other films around the world. The top film will screen at both Filmapalooza 2022 and the Cannes 2022 Short Film Corner.
Participating teams will receive an email with their filmmaking assignment on Friday, May 21 at 7 pm (filmmaker's local time). The assignment will include a genre, character, prop and line of dialogue. Teams will have 48 hours to complete their films and upload them to our website. The official deadline is Sunday, May 23 at 7:30 pm (filmmaker's local time).
Step 1: Local Judging
Local judges in each city have two weeks to determine their city winners.
The Wild Card teams are divided into two groups and one winner will be chosen from each (by a different set of judges for each group).
Step 2: Online Voting
Online voting will begin approximately June 5 and is open to everyone around the world.
Round 1: Country winners will be determined by pitting city winners (from the same country) against each other.
Round 2: The global winner will be determined by pitting country winners against each other.
Round 3: The four finalists will go to our panel of international judges who will determine the winner.
GFC Gives Back
A portion of proceeds will go to benefit Doctors Without Borders and their efforts against the coronavirus.