Ashley Robertson & Micaela Berry
Cafe Brittoli 2326 Atwood Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Daughters in Dissent: A Visual Celebration of Herstories, Kinship, and Sistahood
Reception: Friday, December 11 6p-8p at Cafe Zoma (2326 Atwood Ave)
ArtWrite Collective and West Label Art are collaborating to premier the stunning works of West Label Artists Ashley Robertson and Micaela Berry in Daughters in Dissent: A Visual Celebration of Herstories, Kinship, and Sistahood.
In their first joint show, Ashley and Micaela employ their own unique styles to engage in multi-media storytelling with works that explore relationships, cross-generational beauty standards, black women voices in protest, and the artists’ lived experiences as Black women and Madison newcomers. This series demonstrates the deep variation in perspectives on these shared experiences and underscores the complexity of identity.
Closed Permanently