School Safety: Challenges & Responses
Capitol Lakes 333 W. Main St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
press release: The League of Women Voters of Dane County invites the public to attend the upcoming Issues Forum, “School Safety: Challenges and Responses ” on Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at 7 p.m. in the Capitol Lakes Grand Hall, 333 West Main Street in downtown Madison. Free parking is available in the ramp across the street.
2017 Wisconsin Act 143 created an Office of School Safety, appropriated $100 million for school safety grants, made changes related to school safety plans, and required mandatory reporting of threats of school violence. What have been the results of the law so far? What are the greatest problems confronting safety in our schools and how are school districts responding?
Join us for a panel discussion by Kristen Devitt, director, Office of School Safety, Wisconsin Department of Justice; Joe Balles, coordinator of school safety and security, Madison Metropolitan School District; and Jack Hansen, student, UW-Madison. Additional information and study materials are posted at