Reach Out Wisconsin
Rex's Innkeeper, Waunakee 301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, Wisconsin
press release: Americans believe hard work and talent should be rewarded - the ideal distribution, according to a 2011 survey done by Harvard and Duke University researchers, has the richest fifth of the population holding 30% of the wealth and the bottom fifth 10%. In reality, the richest fifth own 85% and the poorest and 2nd-poorest fifths 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively (there is general agreement on the wealthiest; estimates on the poorest two-fifths vary from a few percent to negative net wealth). To many, this is a serious problem. Some believe it requires government action; commonly proposed solutions are a higher minimum wage, fewer restrictions on unionization, and a stronger safety net supported by taxation. Others believe the free market will dictate the fairest distribution, or would if it was allowed to operate without government interference.
We hope you'll stick around for conversation after the workshop concludes.
Reach Out Wisconsin forums are free and open to the public. Dinner and drink waitservice will be available.