RSVP for The African American Land Ethic
All events are free, but preregistration is required to receive log-in details:
media release: UW-Madison Arboretum Fall 2020 Virtual Lecture Series - Land, Culture, Identity: Roots of Resilience
Four Tuesday evenings throughout October from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Tues. Oct. 6, 7:00 pm: Decolonization and Indigenization of Agriculture: The Foundation of Building a Resilient Regenerative System. Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin is the owner-founder of Regeneration Farms LLC, and founder and president of the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance. This talk will focus on regenerative poultry as a foundation of laying out the strategic, methodological application of a decolonizing and indigenization process for an industry sector. RSVP by 10/2.
Tues. Oct. 13, 7:00 pm: Preserving the Wisdom of the Land and Traditional Food Systems through Education. Elena Terry is the founder and executive chef of Wild Bearies, and the food and culinary program coordinator for the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance. She is a member of the Hočąk (Ho-Chunk) Nation. RSVP by 10/9.
Tues. Oct. 20, 7:00 pm: Honor the Guardians, Respect the Land. Pao Vue, PhD, is a wetland biologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Hmong traditional beliefs speak of supernatural forest guardians watching over the land and wild animals. This presentation will delve into these beliefs and discuss how they have shaped how Hmong interact with the land and natural geographical features. RSVP by 10/16.
Tues. Oct. 27, 7:00 pm: Virtual Lecture: The African American Land Ethic. Lillian “Ebonie” Alexander is the executive director of the Black Family Land Trust. The BFLT defines the African American Land Ethic as blending the concepts of phenomenology, Leopold’s land ethic, and cultural competence to describe African Americans’ historical relationship with the land and how that relationship dictates the value placed on land ownership in the United States, particularly in the rural south. RSVP by 10/23.