Afternoon at the Farm
Schumacher Farm Park, Waunakee 5682 Highway 19, Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597
press release: Snow Day - Afternoon at the Farm
Sunday, January 30 (note, date moved back a week), 2022, 1 - 3 pm
We invite you to join us at the top of the hill for a snowy afternoon on the farm. Although we don't have much snow right now, there will still be plenty to explore. Activities will depend on the weather and snow cover, but possibilities include:
a winter scavenger hunt
animal tracking clues
salt painting and frozen bubbles
snowshoes in kids and adult sizes will also be provided to try out (provided by the Waunakee Village Center Recreation Department).
Free and family-friendly. Although this is an outdoor event, we ask that participants maintain 6 feet of social distancing and wear appropriate face coverings during the event. Park staff will space activity areas accordingly. Uncomfortably cold temperatures or extreme wind chill will result in the cancellation of this event. Check this page for current updates.
Reservations not required. Donations appreciated.