An Injury to One
Central Library 201 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
press release:
Free showing, open to the public, of two classic films depicting aspects of the development of the “I.W.W.”
An Injury to One
The Industrial Workers World, the I.W.W., popularly known as the "Wobblies," was the most radical, broad worker-based labor organization to emerge in U.S. history. Their slogan, "An Injury to One Is an Injury to All," is the source of the title of this story of Frank Little, who came to Butte Montana to organize mineworkers, and met a mysterious death.
“The Wobblies”
Documentary film which, through personal interviews of early IWW members, depicts the realities of working conditions in the early 20th century, and the workers’ struggles to survive.
Madison Public Library, Downtown Branch
Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Presented by Social Action and Solidarity, Madison General Membership Branch of the IWW
For further information contact or 608-438-9536
Bob Koch