ONLINE: Art Toast
press release: Don't miss this important behind the scenes art talk with artists and organizers of Milwaukee Artists for Racial Justice.
Milwaukee Artists for Racial Justice is a platform where visual art and storytelling meet in support of the fight to end police brutality, gun violence, and district attorneys selective prosecution in these cases. 100% of donations collected from art are distributed to fight for Racial Justice across the city of Milwaukee. The team includes Visionary Co-Founder/Organizer Robert Agnew Jr., Strategist Diana Schmidt, Artist/Educator Christina Dressing, Artist/Educator Eric Karl Lewis, Strategist Joseph Dallas Westerfield started Milwaukee Artists for Racial Justice summer 2020 and serves Milwaukee as a funding conduit for the progression of racial justice initiatives & organizations. We raise these funds by selling visual artwork such as protest signs, stencils, stickers, and t-shirts. We raised over $7,000 in funds in summer 2020 and and a total of $4,000 towards the legal defense funds of the families of Joel Acevedo, Jay Anderson, Alvin Cole, and Antonio Gonzales family. We have met with all of these local families and received their blessing to #cardboardlovepaint.
Co-hosted by Cafe CODA, Madison Music Experience and Marzen, Integrated Art Group's Showroom.
Production: Madison Music Experience
Donations are graciously accepted via
Save the date! Every third Thursday through 2/18. Join us for interviews with artists as they discuss their recent work.
Don't miss this fun, free behind the scenes art studio talk. In conjunction with the exhibition FROM HERE ON OUT, co-hosted by Cafe CODA, Madison Music Experience and Marzen, Integrated Art Group's Showroom.
The event will be live on Facebook:
RSVP Now at https://www.