Ash Armenia, Louise Fisher, Leigh Garcia, Derek Hibbs, Zari Williams
Overture Center-Playhouse Gallery 201 State St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
media release: Overture Galleries winter/spring 2022 exhibitions begin Tuesday, January 25 and run through Sunday, April 17 (note different date for Playhouse below). In this cycle, Overture Galleries presents four exhibitions of printmakers, coinciding with the SGC International’s (SGCI) “Our Shared Future” printmaking conference held this spring in Madison. A Galleries Reception will be held Thursday, March 17 from 4-6 p.m, with artists’ talks in Galleries I, II, III, 4-5 p.m. and artists’ talks in the Playhouse Gallery, 5-6 p.m.
According to SGCI: “Our Shared Future printmaking conference is a call to artists to consider how our studio practice makes culture and knowledge visible through socially engaged graphic arts of the past, present and future. Printmaking can deepen our understanding of the world, inherently challenge systems of oppression and push against histories of colonization, unwarranted violence and systemic racism. Artists share in the responsibility to shape our future.”
Pressure Points by Ash Armenia, Louise Fisher, Leigh Garcia, Derek Hibbs, Zari Williams
Tuesday, February 1 - Sunday, April 24
Pressure Points, featuring printers who currently reside in the Midwest, highlights the innovative ways in which artists use historical and contemporary printmaking methods to call attention to critical issues about queerness, altered ecosystems, immigration, climate change and blackness.