Assif Tsahar & Tatusya Nakatani
Cafe Coda 1224 Williamson St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Ephemeral and slippery, the music of this saxophone and percussion duo mystifies. On their 2012 album, I Got It Bad, the pair operates like particles on an atomic level, especially on songs like “Deliver.” Across the five-minute track, the sounds emerging from Tsahar’s sax and Nakatani’s drums collide into each other but sometimes bond for moments of fleeting and transcendent coherence.
press release: Tone Madison, Cafe CODA and Union Cab of Madison Cooperative present:
A night of music with Assif Tsahar (tenor saxophone) and Tatusya Nakatani (percussion)
$15/$10 for Tone Madison Sustainers (