Barbacoa, Jon Hoel Trio, Gerri DiMaggio World Jazz Unit
Stoughton Opera House 381 E. Main St., Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589
The band Barbacoa.
Barbacoa (L-R): Mike Cammilleri, Richard Hildner, Tony Barba and Chris Sandoval.
A peek into what Madison has to offer to the greater world of jazz. The headliner is the Jon Hoel Trio, whose performances of originals like “Captivity Narrative” go from the innermost sanctum of the pocket all the way to its fringes and back again. Grand dame Gerri DiMaggio will be there with her World Jazz Unit, and be sure to check out Barbacoa (pictured), a traditional R&B group featuring some of the most soulful musicians Madison has to offer.
courtesy Stoughton Opera House