Benny Sosa, Rob Dz, Willie Wright, Kilo, Taziah, DJ Fusion
Artists paying tribute to rap’s golden age have created a benefit to support MSCR’s efforts to combat bullying. The night’s headliner, Benny Sosa, saunters and swaggers over 808s on tracks like “This is It,” whereas Rob Dz has fully embraced the era’s sampling of unlikely sources on his two yacht rock-influenced projects from 2018 and 2017. With Willie Wright, Kilo, Taziah, DJ Fusion.
press release: This will sell out quickly! This event is all about the diversity in Madison and as a whole in an effort to stop bullying through unification through music. We invite you to buy a ticket today, as buying a ticket means a donation to MSCR's efforts against bullying.
This event is brought to you buy 93.1 Jamz, Atype Consulting, and Emissary Star. We encourage you to help keep our schools and community safer through, Unity in Music.